About the author:
Kramarenko D. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The large salivary glands are located outside the oral cavity and are connected to it by the excretory ducts. They produce saliva of different chemical composition, which is characterized by high levels of metabolism associated with energy-intensive processes of synthesis and secretion of saliva. The salivary glands, having various functions, have the capacity for peculiar reactions to various external influences and intra-organ disorders. The composition of saliva depends on both the state of the glandular cells of the end divisions of the glands and the state of the cells of the ductal system, so the study of the morphology of the excretory ducts of glands under the influence of various exogenous factors is of great practical importance. With prolonged exposure of 1% methyl methacrylate to the mucous membrane of the rats’ oral cavity during 30 days there are structural changes in all mucous layers, so the study of organs after exposure to methacrylate monomers located outside the oral cavity its proximity is of great practical importance. The study was conducted on 60 white outbred male rats – a control group of 14 animals and experimental – 46, treated of oral mucosa with 1% methacrylic acid methyl ester for 30 days. Animals were withdrawn from the experiment at 14 and 30 days, the fragments of the submandibular glands were embedded into epon-812 and paraffin. Semi-thin sections were stained with polychrome dye, methylene blue and hematoxylin-eosin. Histological and morphometric examination was performed using a Biorex-3 BM-500T microscope with a digital microphotograph DCM 900. The external and lumen diameters, height of the epitheliocytes were determined. According to the results of the study, on the 14 day of the experiment, there was a significant decrease in the diameter of the lumen of the intercalated ducts by 26.01% with an increase in the height of epitheliocytes by 18.05% compared with the control group. The average lumen diameter of streated ducts decreased significantly by 25.15%. The height of epitheliocytes also decreased by 3.04% compared to its values in the control group (p<0.05). The average lumen diameter of the granular ducts significantly decreased by 28.03%, with an increase in epitheliocyte height by 12.82% compared with the results of the control group of animals (p<0.05). At the 30 day of the study the diameter of the lumen of the intercalated ducts was significantly smaller by 31.66% than in the control group of animals with a decrease in the height of epitheliocytes by 11.06%. The lumen diameter of streated ducts increased by 17.6% compared to the 14 day, but was significantly smaller by 11.98% due to its value in the control group (p<0.05). Mean epitheliocyte height decreased by 13.41% compared to the fourteenth day and by 16.04% was significantly lower than the control group (p<0.05). On the 30 day of the study, the mean lumen diameter of the granular ducts increased by 18.17% compared to the fourteenth day, but was significantly lower by 14.96% than the results in the control group. The height of epitheliocytes by 22.46% was significantly lower than the value of the previous study period and lower by 17.03% than the results of the control group of animals (p<0.05). Thus, the study of intralobular ducts of the submandibular glands of rats indicates the effect of 1% solution of methyl ester of methacrylic acid on the state of the duct system, and is manifested by an increase in the height of epitheliocytes with a decrease in the diameter of the lumens in the early stages of the experiment, and is confirmed by the state of the links of the hemomicrocirculatory rate. In late observation, epitheliocyte height was decreased with subsequent decrease in duct diameters, indicating that duct epithelium was depleted and salivary volume decreased by day 30 after exposure to 1% methacrylic acid methyl ester and led to xerostomia.
salivary glands, duct, methacrylic acid ester, epitheliocytes.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 307-312 pages, index UDK 616. 316. 1: 599. 323. 1