About the author:
Mykhailova E. A., Bagatska N. V., Matkovska T. N., Mitelov D. A., Glotka L. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Medical and social relevance of the problem of depression – the main cause of disability in the world, is determined by the fact of its maladaptive influence which is measured by high values of the global burden of the disease among the population, including the younger generation. Depressive disorders of adolescence today represent one of the most difficult medical problems, due to the severe social consequences, which include suicide, violence, drug addiction and behavioral deviations. Purpose of work. Multivariate assessment of clinical and psychopathological, biological, and genetic factors for the formation of behavioral disorders in adolescents with depressive disorders. Object and methods. 102 patients with depression were examined, including 48 adolescents of 12-14 years old (22 boys and 26 girls), and 54 adolescents of 15-18 years old (26 boys and 28 girls). Clinical and psychopathological, pathopsychological and genetic (genealogical, cytogenetic) methods were applied. Statistical analysis of the research results was performed using Excel and SPSS Statistics 17.0 tabular processors. Results. On the basis of clinical manifestations of the disease, clinical variants of depressive disorder in adolescents with behavioral disorders were established, taking into account age and gender, structure and direction of affect, externalization of the locus and interiorization of affect, which is essential in determining the tactics of treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures. In adolescents with comorbid pathology, symptoms were identified that determine the signs of externalization of behavioral disorders – cognitive dysfunction, aggression, risk propensity, vulnerability to damage and injury, violation of rules, and age regression. Anxiety, infantilism, cognitive dysfunction, and the behavioral equivalent of affective disease-aggression is a component of the psychopathology of depressive behavior disorder in adolescents. It was found that the clinical types of depressive disorder in adolescents with behavioral disorders are represented by dysphoric, apathetic, and anxiety-obsessive variants. Variants of disturbed behaviors in adolescents with depressive disorders in the age aspect are highlighted. In adolescents of 12-14 years old – autoagression, eating disorders, destructive behavior; in adolescents of 15-18 years old – Internetdependent behavior, behavioral disorders associated with the use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Repeated episodes of depressive disorder (29.0%), recurrent type of depression (62.9%), and bipolar depressive disorder (8.1%) were registered in the entire cohort of adolescents with depression and impaired behaviors at earlier stages of ontogenesis. Symptoms of pathological family relationships of adolescents with depressive disorders that form behavioral disorders are identified: chronic conflicts in the family, hyperprotection towards the child, projection of their own undesirable traits on the child, anxiety, hostility in the family situation, phobia of the loss of child. The family accumulation of non-communicable diseases, including mental diseases, was determined in the pedigrees of sick adolescents. Cytogenetic analysis found a high level of chromosomal disorders in adolescents with depressive disorders, which requires differentiated therapeutic and preventive measures to stabilize their chromosomal apparatus.
adolescents, depression, impaired behaviors, biological and prosocial predictors, cytogenetic, genealogic.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 337-341 pages, index UDK 616.89–008.454 – 053.6:159.922.73