Garmash O. V.


About the author:

Garmash O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article is devoted to the search for genetic dental caries predictors among gene polymorphisms responsible for bone formation and remodeling in persons born with macrosomia. The aim is to study the influence of the CYP19A1 [rs2414096, rs936306], ESR1 [rs2234693, rs9340799], IL1 [rs1143627], IL6 [rs1800796], IL10 [rs1800896], RANKL [rs9594738 and rs9594759] IL6 [rs1800795], IL1b [rs1143627] and IL10 [rs1800896] gene polymorphic variants on the intensity of permanent tooth caries in the Kharkiv Province and adjacent area populations who were born macrosomic. Object and methods. Nighty-nine macrosomic-at-birth persons of different gender and age (from 11- to 55-yearold) living in the Kharkiv and adjacent provinces of Ukraine were examined with a molecular genetic method. The data on the weight-height at-birth parameters of the participants involed in the study were obtained from the child development records, patient medical records, or from other documentation stored in medical archives or available from the participants involved in the study. All participants involved in the study were divided into groups of permanent teeth caries low, moderate, and high intensity, which was evaluated at different age periods. Taking into account the fact that the scientists have published diametrically opposite values of indices when they were evaluating the intensity of the carious process for non-indexed age periods, we have first linearly interpolated the generally accepted 12- and 35-45-year-old data to the level of the caries intensity in persons of different ages and then rounded them to the whole values. Also, the root-mean-square deviation (σ) from the mean value of caries intensity was taken into account in each age period. The DNA was extracted out of the buccal epithelial cell by the «Proba-NK» set produced by the Scientific Production Association «DNA Technology». The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to analyze the gene polymorphism with real-time records using the «Osteoporosis» set of the «DNA Technology» and the «Litekh» SNP-EXPRESS-RV reagents The amplification reaction was performed in the «DNA Technology» Devices: DTLight and DT-96 amplifiers. Conclusions. 1. The research revealed that the 283 A> G (BsmI) [rs 1544410] VDR gene polymorphism is an additive and over-dominant model of inheritance associated with an increased risk of the moderate level of caries intensity of permanent teeth, and the C > T [rs9594738] RANKL gene polymorphism, a recessive and multiplicative model of inheritance, is an effective factor in predicting the formation of the moderate level of caries intensity in individuals born with macrosomic. 2. The 283 A> G (BsmI) [rs 1544410] VDR gene polymorphism is an additive, dominant, and overdominant model of inheritance associated with an increased risk of high level of caries intensity of permanent teeth, and the C> T [rs9594738] RANKL gene polymorphism, an additive recessive multiplicative model of inheritance, is an effective predictor of the high intensity of caries in individuals born with macrosomic. 3. Individuals born macrosomic with a level of caries intensity moderate as compared to individuals with a high level of caries intensity disclose a high rate in the 174 G> C [rs1800795] IL6 gene CC genotype. That is, the protective effect of polymorphism in the IL6 gene was detected: -174 G> C [rs1800795], a recessive and a multiplicative model of inheritance, aimed at reducing the risk of developing high-intensity permanent teeth caries in individuals born macrosomic. 4. Individuals whose parameters at birth were higher the normal level need to implement caries prevention methods based on the prediction of hereditary predisposition to carious lesions.


fetal macrosomia, permanent teeth caries, RANKL [rs9594738], VDR [rs1544410] and IL6 [rs1800795] gene polymorphism.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 354-360 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-053.1-007.61-078:57.088.7174.0153