About the author:
Korobeinikov L. S., Korobeinikova Yu. L., Khavalkina L. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Currently, many domestic and foreign scientists are concerned about the study of periodontitis in the state-of-the-art dentistry. An important criterion for assessing the extent of pathological lesions in periodontal tissues is the change in the width of the periodontal fissure and the density of bone tissue at the apex. The estimation of the index of bone tissue density and the width of the periodontal fissure is considered the X-ray method of conebeam computed tomography (CBCT). Distribution of groups: Group I (n=71) involved patients with initial form of periodontitis in the lateral parts of the jaws; the control group (II) (n=25) involved people with intact dentitions, who made visits for dental prophylaxis check-up. In Group I the mean value (Mean) of bone tissue density at the apex, lateral teeth, was 748,305HU. The median of this index was 805. The Standart Error corresponded to the value of 27.23. The minimum and maximum values were 150 HU and 1304 HU, respectively, which is by several times higher than the normal value, which was recorded in the control group. The width of the periodontal fissure was Mean of 1.2 mm, and maximum value was 2.9 mm, compared to the maximum value of 0.5 in the control group. The findings of CBCT, made in controls, with subsequent statistical analysis have shown that the mean value of density of bone tissue at the apex was 664.92 HU (St.Err.30.66), with the minimum value of 122 and maximum value of 1336 HU. The value of the median was 773.5. The comparison of resulting data of the density of bone tissue and the width of periodontal fissure in two study groups has shown that the width of the periodontal fissure in Group I was equal to 1.28 mm that is by several times greater than in the control group, where its width was 0,2 mm. The findings of the indices of resorption of bone tissue in Group I and control group have shown the value of 748 HU and 664 HU, respectively.
CBCT, periodontal fissure, bone resorption, periodontitis.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 361-365 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-071