About the author:
Dychko O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of our study was to study the effect of a complex of physical exercises on the dynamics of individual indicators of the function of the autonomic nervous and cardiorespiratory systems of children with scoliosis of 11-14 years. Object and research methods. To establish the influence of a complex of physical exercises on the dynamics of individual indicators of the function of the autonomic nervous and cardiorespiratory systems of children with scoliosis of 11-14 years, we developed a complex of physical exercises for the restoration of functional characteristics of the organism of children having defects of the spine (scoliosis) and was implemented in a group of 58 children. The results of influence of the complex program of the developed technology of physical exercises on leading indicators of physical performance, relative working capacity, absolute and relative volume of heart, stroke volume of blood and minute volume of blood circulation, cardiac index on PWS were used as a basis of the research; IPC by volume of heart; blood flow velocity; the absolute and relative value of the IPC. Results of the study and their discussion. After conducting a series of rehabilitation measures, the need for myocardium in oxygen remained quite high. There was also no gender difference in the distribution of the metric. It is noteworthy that the need for oxygen after treatment statistically significantly exceeds the corresponding pretreatment treatment for boys and girls, but not during exercise. The revealed fact can testify both to the high physical activity which children with scoliosis undergo during treatment, and to the influence of the underlying disease on the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Analysis of the systolic heart rate by Robinson’s index revealed that no statistically significant gender difference in the distribution of the indicator was observed at rest. However, even at loading, the girls’ hearts worked with high workload, as evidenced by statistically significantly higher Robinson index scores in boys. Higher index values for girls were maintained during both vacations. The set of rehabilitation measures had a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, which was manifested by a statistically significant decrease in the Robinson index in both boys and girls with scoliosis aged 11-14 years, both during rest and during exercise and rest. Interesting is the fact that the systolic work of the heart after treatment did not differ between boys and girls during rest, but increased equally with load. However, the values of the Robinson index after girls rest were statistically significantly higher than the boys. After treatment, the pattern remains: the maximum stroke blood volume in girls exceeds the corresponding value in boys with scoliosis. This excess disappears during loading and during rest the maximum stroke blood volume in boys exceeds the corresponding values in girls. The value of minute volume of blood at rest and during the first and second rest was not significantly different among girls and boys aged 11-14 years with scoliosis. When loading only in adolescent girls with scoliosis, a statistically significant lower value of minute blood volume was observed compared to boys in the experimental group. After conducting a set of rehabilitation measures, the observed tendency persists. As in childhood, the lowest mean blood pressure was found in adolescent girls with scoliosis, and this indicator was statistically significantly different from the corresponding values of boys with scoliosis. The same pattern was preserved both during loading and during the first and second rest. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years is associated with a significant activation of the sympatho-adrenal system of the organism, which is statistically significantly higher in adolescent girls with scoliosis during physical activity, and the cardiovascular system of adolescents with scoliosis was characterized by a sufficient level of training. There was no statistically significant difference in the distribution of the indicator after the set of rehabilitation measures. Elevated cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system load in scoliotic disease at the age of 11-14 years has been found in adolescent girls, who require individualized development of a set of rehabilitation measures.
nervous and cardiorespiratory system, infant solids, scoliosis, physical performance, exercise.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 385-389 pages, index UDK 612.17:616.711-007.5-053.6]:615.825