Stryzhak O. V., Zemlyanyy O. A., Lomyha L. L.


About the author:

Stryzhak O. V., Zemlyanyy O. A., Lomyha L. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Of particular importance for the steppe zone of Ukraine are forest biogeocenoses, which are uniquea zonal and intrazonal ecosystems with the maximum concentration of species, coenotic, soil and landscape diversity. Their sustainable functioning and protection is an integral part of biodiversity conservation and prevention of desertification of Ukraine’s natural resources. The purpose of the study: to identify the influence of components of forest biogeocenoses on the edaphotope, to isolate the factors that take in the formation of microforms of the studied soils, namely: how vegetation and soil faun aaffect the formation of microaggregates, pore space, organic soil; identify the influence of abiotic factors, such as relief, underlying rocks on the properties of the soil profile as a whole and its individual genetic horizons. Identify the patterns of influence of the tracked factors on the micromorphological properties of the studied soil pedons. The researchwas carried outin the upperthird oftheHlybokyiravine nearthe village ofAndriyivka, Novomoskovsk district, Dnipropetrovsk region. The main micromorphological properties and factors that determine the specifics of soil organization are identified. The main factors influencing the micromorphological organization of the soil ravine Hlybokyi – biotic and relief features. This is manifested in the structure, the developed pore system of the upper horizons and the presence of plant residues at different stages of decomposition. Due to the active activity of the soil fauna, coprolite horizons are formed. The soils of the upper third of the ravine are characterized by a high content of plant residues in the upper horizons. With depth, their number decreases, the pore space is well developed, of biogenic origin. With depth, the porosity and structure formation deteriorates and their genesis changes – from biogenic to abiotic. Methods of field and laboratory determination of morphological properties of soil genetic horizons were used.


micromorphological features, biological factors, ravines, cutans.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 138-143 pages, index UDK 504.53 + 630*1