Hryn V. H., Sherstyuk O. O., Svintsytska N. L., Fedorchenko I. I.


About the author:

Hryn V. H., Sherstyuk O. O., Svintsytska N. L., Fedorchenko I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Due to the shortage of natural anatomical preparations for students of higher medical institutions in the study of the discipline “Human Anatomy”, every year they need a new income to ensure the pedagogical process due to increased wear and loss of proper quality. However, since 2004, due to new laws on bioethics, the production of natural human drugs has been limited as much as possible. Therefore, the use of 3D models has become a convenient way to replace natural human preparation. Patented computer developments (models) for 3D printing are expensive. Therefore, we made an attempt to obtain such 3D models on natural samples for mass production. The aim of the study was to develop a method for modeling the first human vertebra using natural samples for mass production and to ensure the pedagogical process at the Department of Human Anatomy by using a Flash Forgecreator 3D printer in the ZBrush program with ABS plastic. Object and methods of research. The problem is solved by creating a method for modeling the first vertebra (Atlas) of a person from ABS plastic using 3D sculpting in the ZBrush program, including studying the anatomical structure of a natural type sample of the first cervical vertebra, measuring the size of all anatomical structures of the vertebra using a caliper (GOST 166-89, certificate No. 1188/0315), creation of a 3D model in ZBrush, printing on a 3D printer “Flash Forgecreator”. Results of work. To make a model of the first vertebra (Atlas) from plastic by 3D printing, we studied a natural sample from the anatomical museum of the Department of Human Anatomy of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, as well as an atlas of human anatomy edited by R.D. Synelnikov, which served as a guide in the process of work. After all the necessary changes to the model of the first vertebra, its trial production was carried out as follows: the 3D model of the first vertebra was saved in the “OBJ” format; 3D model of the first vertebra in the format “OBJ” using the program “Maker Were” was prepared for production on a 3D printer, creating a G-code in an x3g file; the prepared x3g file with G-code 3D model of the first vertebra was recorded on a flash card and sent for printing on a 3D printer “Flash Forgecreator”. The material used for printing is ABS plastic; after completing the 3D printing, the printed model was cleaned of supporting structures. Conclusions. Using the proposed method allows you to obtain a model of the first cervical vertebra (atlas), which corresponds to natural dimensions and which can be studied from different angles, getting a comprehensive idea of the shape and size, and also allows you to clearly study the relief and geometry of the holes and grooves, to get a visual idea of the morphological the structure of the first vertebra without using natural bone preparations. The proposed method has scientific and applied value, since it significantly facilitates the task of preparing and conducting the pedagogical process and morphological research, expanding the possibilities of obtaining more informative and objective results.


first human vertebra (Atlas), 3D sculpting, anatomical model, pedagogical process, human anatomy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 171-173 pages, index UDK 616.711-071