Pilin E. V., Molchanov R. M., Kosharniy V. V., Abdul-Ogli L. V., Gubarenko O. V.


About the author:

Pilin E. V., Molchanov R. M., Kosharniy V. V., Abdul-Ogli L. V., Gubarenko O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract.The use of fluorescent surgery control (FGS) allows you to visualize structures that are not otherwise visible to the naked eye. Using indocyanine green (ICG), and illuminating the tissue with near-infrared light, the excited ICG can be detected by a camera with an optical filter. Thus, we studied the ways of outflow from the prostate, the rate of distribution of the substance in the tissues and its accumulation. We conducted a series of experiments on rats, using indocyanine green (ICG) and ICG-camera to determine the sentinel lymph node, followed by determination of its distribution in the body and surrounding tissues. After the contrast agent was injected directly into the prostate for an average of 31.4 minutes, it began to spread to the first lymph node, for 36.6 minutes the lymph vessels were contrasted and the accumulation was maximal, at 34 minutes the second lymph node was visualized, and the maximum accumulation occurred at 51 minute. The average rate of spread was 0.0322. After modeling prostatitis in the studied dorsolateral part of the prostate of rats, a different inflammatory process and hemodynamic disorders were observed. After the introduction of the contrast agent directly into the prostate for an average of 3.5 minutes, it began to spread to the first lymph node, for 21.25 minutes the lymph vessels were contrasted and its maximum accumulation was observed. Conclusions. Introduction of a contrast agent after modeling the inflammatory process in the prostate, this substance spread faster, so the introduction of contrast agents during inflammation indicates that lymph flow increases, we can see by the time of distribution of the substance through lymphatic vessels. Further, in fact, based on this, we can state that the method of introducing a contrast agent into the body intraoperatively allows you to study the features of lymph outflow from the organs, look at the features of the outflow, observe the timing and make adjustments during surgery. This is a promising technique for studying lymph outflow both in experiment and in performing operations on humans.


prostate, sentinel lymph node, diagnostic substances, lymph outflow


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 177-180 pages, index UDK 616.65-006-07:616.428:616-005:616.381-072.1-089.168