Popko S. S., Evtushenko V. M.


About the author:

Popko S. S., Evtushenko V. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The reaction of structural elements of bronchi is the urgen tissue of morphology and medicine in general, as well as one of the insufficiently studied point in the study of morphological changes in the bronchi with allergic inflammation in the chronobiological aspect. The purpose of the study is to study the dynamics of the structural elements of the bronchial wall of guinea pigs sensitized with ovalbumin. Material and methods. We have studied the lung of 48 guinea pigs, using histological, morphometric and statistical methods under conditions of experimental ovalbumin-induced allergic inflammation, simulated by three times subcutaneous sensitization and subsequent 8-day intranasal inhalation of ovalbumin. To assess the dynamics of the bronchi structural elements, the thickness of their mucosa, muscle layer, submucosa, fibromusculocartilagineous layer and adventitial layer were determined. Results. The fact of thinning of the bronchial mucosa was revealed in the early period of the development of an allergic inflammatory process in the lungs on the 23rd and 30th days of observation. Simultaneously, there is a thickening of the muscle layer respectively by 1.2 and 1.4 times compared with the control in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. The most significant thickening of the muscle layer is observed in the late period of the development of allergic inflammatory process in the lung on the 36th day of observation in the 3rd experimental group, which increasing coefficient is 2.5. Conclusions. It was found that sensitization and challenge with ovalbumin lead to a thinning of the bronchial mucosa (1.7 times compared to control) due to massive destruction of the epithelial layer in the early period, followed by thickening of the bronchial mucosa in the late development of allergic inflammation of the airways (1.2 times compared with control) due to hypertrophy of the muscle layer (increasing coefficient is 2.5 in the third experimental group) and edema of the connective tissue component. These changes have staged nature and are the result of the effect of neuroendocrine and immune factors in the development of allergic inflammation on the epithelial, connective tissue and smooth muscle components of the bronchial wall.


bronchus; experimental allergic inflammation; ovalbumin; guinea pig.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 240-244 pages, index UDK 611.23.018:616-021.5-092.9]:599.324.7