Ryabukha O. I.


About the author:

Ryabukha O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The growth of thyroid pathology encourages expanding the arsenal of informative methods to study the morphofunctional state of the thyroid gland. The aim of the study was to establish the features of intrafollicular colloid hormonal activity of the rat thyroid gland in common thyroid disorders: hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency, potentiated iodine deficiency hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism. Thyroid glands of nonlinear white male rats were the object under study. Changes in the histochemical properties of the intrafollicular colloid were determined by the method of A. DesMarais & Q.N. LaHam. Out of the 40 animals weighing 140-160 g, four groups of 10 animals in each were formed. Group 1 rats were kept on standard general vivarium diet, the state of intrafollicular colloid in their thyroid glands was the standard norm. Rats of groups 2, 3 and 4 consumed a semi-synthetic isocaloric starch-casein diet. Group 2 rats were kept in the model conditions of alimentary iodine deficiency; in group 3 manifestations of alimentary hypothyroidism in rats were potentiated with mercazolyl at the dose of 3 mg/kg body weight; to develop hyperthyroidism in group 4, thyreoidinum at the dose of 15 mg/100 g body weight was used. After 30 days, the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland’s intrafollicular colloid was studied, whereto the condition and color of the colloid were determined in 400 follicles. Indices of the glands’ functional state were the percentage of follicles with hormonally active blue color colloid (BCF - blue color follicles), follicles with hormonally inactive yellow color colloid (YCF - yellow color follicles), follicles with mixed colloid, included colloid fragments of blue and yellow color in different proportions (BYCF - blue and yellow follicles). Follicles in which no colloid was detected (FWC - follicles without colloid), were referred to as “dumb”. To improve the interpretive potential of the method, we proposed to supplement it with the percentage sum indices in follicles that can supply the body with thyroid hormones (BCF together with BYCF), which according to our data reached 98% in intact rats. We also proposed to use the ratio between the percentages of BCF and YCF, which was 35:1 in the glands of intact rats. Tissue specimens manufactured and stained in accordance with the requirements for histochemical preparations were studied with a Biolam light optical microscope (RU) at magnification x320. Our studies proved the high informative value of the histochemical method by A. DesMarais & Q.N. LaHam to study the thyroid gland’s activity in its functional disorders. The high content (75.60±2.86%) of follicles with mixed colloid in the structure of the glands, which is observed in alimentary iodine deficiency, indicates the functional stress of the organ and can be used as a histochemical marker of subclinical hypothyroidism. The content of follicles capable of hormone-producing activity (combination of BCF and BYCF) in the conditions of alimentary iodine deficiency reached 90–91%, which slightly differed from that of intact rats (98%): the obtained data indicate a certain functional adaptation to the conditions of alimentary deficiency. When potentiating iodine deficiency in the diet with thyrostatic action of mercazolyl, the structure of the glands was dominated by BCF (78.75±3.03%), which indicates a deep disorder of hormonal activity and may indicate a probable impairment of the organ’s adaptation. Under the influence of thyroidin in the follicles of the thyroid gland, the follicles dominated, which were filled with a dense blue colloid with iodinated thyroglobulin (85.33±3.3%). In the absence of follicles with mixed colloid, this indicates an increase in the functional activity of the gland and is a histochemical marker of hyperthyroidism; in the presence of “dumb” follicles, this may be a sign of significant functional stress of the organ due to excessive increase in its functional activity. Thus, common disorders of the thyroid gland’s functional activity have certain histochemical manifestations, which can be considered their histochemical markers. The obtained results are of both scientific and practical significance, as they can expand the evidence base of histological diagnosis in various thyroid pathology


thyroid gland, morphofunctional disorders, thyrocyte, thyroidal colloid, A. DesMarais Q.N. LaHam method, histochemical markers of thyroid status, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 244-250 pages, index UDK 616.441-008.64 + 616.44-008.61)-018-079.44-092.9