Chekanova I. V., Vovk O. Yu., Dubina S. O.


About the author:

Chekanova I. V., Vovk O. Yu., Dubina S. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Determining the structure and shape of the middle cranial fossa, depending on gender, will help surgeons to improve existing and develop new methods of diagnosis and surgery in accordance with the demands of modern medicine. The purpose of the work is to establish the shape of the middle cranial fossa of adult person using craniometric indices. The study was performed on the basis of a study of 50 craniotomograms and 50 bone preparations of the skull of both sexes in adulthood. Detailed morphometry middle cranial fossa was performed. To establish the features of the structure and shape of the middle cranial fossa and its departments, measured the transverse-longitudinal index of the left and right parts of the middle cranial fossa as a percentage of the posterior width of the study area to its lateral length; general index (the ratio of total width through the center of the sella turcica to the length of the lateral parts) and the depth-transverse index of the studied area of the skull, which was determined by the percentage of depth to width at the level of the dorsum of the sella turcica. According to the general transverse-longitudinal index, there are three forms of middle cranial fossa: narrow, medium and wide. When the index is less than 80, the studied area of internal base of the skull is classified as narrow; from 80 to 90 – medium and more than 90 – wide. It is established that in the maximum quantity the average form the middle cranial fossa is defined, namely in 52%. In other cases, narrow and wide forms were found in 21% and 27%, respectively. According to the depth-transverse index, there are three forms of middle cranial fossa: less than 35 – shallow, from 35 to 45 – medium, more than 45 – deep. According to the data obtained, a shallow form of the middle cranial fossa met in 14.5% of cases, the average is determined in the maximum amount – 68.5% and deep – in 17%. The obtained results can serve as a prerequisite for further research.


middle cranial fossa, morphometry, craniological indices, adulthood.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 250-253 pages, index UDK 611.714.06-053.8:572.71