Zaychenko A. V., Gorchakova N. A, Klymenko O. V., Shumeiko O. V., Sorocopud K. Ju., Klymenko O. G.


About the author:

Zaychenko A. V., Gorchakova N. A, Klymenko O. V., Shumeiko O. V., Sorocopud K. Ju., Klymenko O. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Aminoacids play important role in organisms. They are substracts for protein synthesis, regulate and take place in biochemical processes. In cardiology aminoacids have important significance in functions and metabolism of cardio-vascular system in norm and pathology. Last years the scientists have been interested in the aminoacids with branch chain such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine. It has been found that these aminoacids have participate meaning as bioenergic fuel in chronic hypoxia, take place in mitochondrial biogenic stimulation, have adaptive function. Leucine is used in clinical practice and sport medicine to increase capacity for work and to realize antistress properties. It has antiatherogenic influence also. L-arginine is used in cardiology for cardiac insufficiency, ischemic heart disease, cardiosclerosis, arterial hypertension treatment as compound of complex pharmacotherapy. L-arginine is a structural component of NO synthase catalizing NO synthesis in endothelial dysfunction. It promotes the normalization of intracellular metabolism, increases the content of taurine, ornitine, glycine in the serum that can be considered as compensatory, protective reaction in myocardial ischemia. L-arginin has antiatherogenic properties also because it inhibits the oxidation of low density lipoproteins. L-glutaminic acid has antioxidantantistressive activity, increases the contractility of myocardium. The potassium and magnesium asparaginate supplies energetic metabolism, level of potassium, magnesium, has antianginal, antiarrythmic properties. Sulfur-containing aminoacids play the important role in cardiology. Cystein is a component of the thiol enzymes. Acetylcystein has expectorant, cardioprotective antitoxic action. Cystein is transformed into taurine. Taurine dilates the vessels, has antioxidant, antiaggregate, hypoglycemic, antitoxic radioprotective influence, may increase contractility of myocardium. Taurine is a component of the medicine Cratal that is prescribed for cardiovascular pathology and metabolite syndrome treatment. Glycine has antiatherosclerotic influence because it promotes chloride ions entrance into the cells leading to the triglyceride content low. In neurology and psychiatry, the amino acids are used in the complex pharmacotherapy. Glycine was the first cerebroprotector, realizes neurotrophic effect by influence on prooxidant-antioxidant and energy metabolism. The hyperactivation of glutamatergic system plays important role in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis. The drugs for this disease treatment regulate the activity of glutamatergic system. L-arginine is included in neurological and psychiatric diseases treatment, because it furthers normal cortex functions. L-arginine is prescribed for depressive status, mitochondrial encephalopathy treatment. Contrary in Alzheimer disease the level of L-arginine is increased that`s why in this case it is necessary to prescribe drugs decreasing L-arginine level. The aminoacids may be used in gastroenterological diseases especially in hepatitis and cirrhosis. In non-alcohol disease of liver leucine has hepato, neuro, and also nephroprotective action. Sulfurcontaining aminoacids such as: taurine, N-adenosylmethionine possesses hepatoprotective action in nonalcohol liver hepatitis. Glutargine (L-arginine+acidum glutaminicum) has antioxidant hepatoprotective action, it is effective in hepatite with intrahepatic cholestasis. Therefore, the literary sources have shown that aminoacids may be important and necessary components of pharmacotherapy in cardiology, neurology and gastroenterology.


aminoacids, pharmacology, cardio-vascular, neurological, gastroenterological diseases.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 264-272 pages, index UDK 616. 12-009. 72-088. 224:615. 22:577. 112. 3