Ukrainska S. I., Kaleynikova O. M., Sribna V. O.


About the author:

Ukrainska S. I., Kaleynikova O. M., Sribna V. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Nanoparticles of metals, especially silver and gold, because of their chemical stability, conductivity, catalytic activity, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity play an important role in nanosciences and nanotechnologies, especially in nanomedicine. However, due to the high surface energy, metal nanoparticles have the ability to aggregate. To prevent their aggregation, different types of stabilizing agents are used, among them - polymers. A systematic literature review was undertaken to summarize the data about complex branched polymer systems (star-shaped polymers and spherical polymer brushes); silver nanosystems synthesized in the presence of polymer matrices of different structure; the influence of nanosystems based on branched polymers on cell lines and the influence of nanosystems of silver and gold in the composition of dextrin-polyacrylamide (DPAA) matrices on reproductive function. Theoretical calculations and experimental studies of the intramolecular structure of branched polymers - D-PAA matrices – nanostructured polymer systems – show them as promising technological materials. Although under conditions of a single intravenous treatment of silver nanosystems (SNs), synthesized in the presence of both polymer matrices D-PAA and D-PAA (PE) did not affect female reproductive function, but SNs/D-PAA (PE) caused a depressant effect on individual oocytes, and SNs/D-PAA and SNs/D-PAA (PE) for individual oocytes and inguinal lymph node cells. Under conditions of five-time intravenous treatment of gold nanosystems (GNs) in the polymer matrix of GNs/D-PAA (PE), there was a disorder of male reproductive function. Branched polymer systems due to the structural features and controllability of the intramolecular structure are promising functional materials of a new generation - nanosystems of drug-bearing nanosystems, but can damage germ cells and lymph node cells.


branched polymers, nanosystems of silver and gold, female reproductive function, male reproductive function.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 320-323 pages, index UDK 612.616:612.621:661.857:661.859:615.038:544.6.018.483