Golovanova I. A., Gavlovskyy О. D.


About the author:

Golovanova I. A., Gavlovskyy О. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Combat actions cause a number of problems for its participants related to their psychosocial state. That is why, in such cases, it is very important to provide ATO participants with psychological help to restore their mental health. Uncontrolled anger, emotional alienation and an inability to properly communicate with representatives of social institutions of power all complicate the relationship between those who have been injured and those who face them in life. As a result, group psychotherapy becomes relevant. During such meetings, a person loses his “uniqueness” and feels that she is not alone, and this feeling makes it easier to relive memories of the past, provides a safe susceptibility to the environment and reduces the level of anxiety inherent in these fighters. Despite the significant foreign and domestic experience in the rehabilitation of combatants, one way or another, every psychologist still comes to the conclusion that he is not able to fully rehabilitate the fighters if their relatives and friends do not respond constructively to the consequences of their trauma. The need to rehabilitate all combatants after returning from combat zones is supported, regardless of whether they have psychological disorders or not. No one could appreciate the importance of providing psychological assistance better than doctors, so questions were posed to the medical staff. A survey of doctors working in the hospital providing medical assistance to ATO participants was conducted. The study examined the attitude of patients, as those who receive psychological assistance, and medical personnel - those who provide, to this preventive measure. The survey method in the form of a standardized (formalized) interview was used as the main tool for collecting social and psychological information. Analysis of the opinions of the hospital doctors, were 100% affirmative about the need for psychological support for ATO participants who were undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital.


ATO participants, psychological rehabilitation, post-traumatic stress disorders, questioning


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 351-354 pages, index UDK 616.89:376.2