Bezvushko E. V., Malko N. V., Bandrivskyi Yu. L


About the author:

Bezvushko E. V., Malko N. V., Bandrivskyi Yu. L



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Periodontal disease is one of the current problems of modern dentistry. These issues are especially acute in terms of pediatric dentistry, because children are most vulnerable to the influence of any negative factors. The aim of the study. Assess the state of oral hygiene in children living in areas with different environmental pollution. Object and methods of research. 642 children (the main group) of the cities of Yavoriv and Zhydachiv of Lviv region, which are characterized by a high level of pollution, as well as iodine and fluoride deficiency (ESD), were examined. The comparison group consisted of 214 children from Lviv, which belongs to the ecologically clean region (ECR). Children aged 7, 12 and 15 years were examined. The hygienic condition of the oral cavity was determined using the Fedorov-Volodkina index. Also, a survey of children was conducted to assess the level of sanitary and hygienic knowledge.Research results and their discussion. The results of the survey indicate that children in both observation groups have a low level of sanitary and hygienic knowledge, significantly reduced motivation to brush their teeth and quality oral care, which is reflected in the index of oral hygiene. Evaluation of the oral cavity according to the FedorovVolodkina index showed that good oral hygiene was found in 14.95 ± 1.41% of the examined children of the main group, which was less than the data of the comparison group (29.44 ± 3.12%). The criterion of satisfactory oral hygiene was met by 39.56 ± 1.93% of the examined main group and 50.47 ± 3.42% of the examined comparison group. At the same time, unsatisfactory oral hygiene was noted in 30.37 ± 1.81% of children with ESR and in 14.95 ± 2.44% of people living in ECR. Poor oral hygiene was recorded in 12.77 ± 1.31% of the examined children of the main group and in 4.21 ± 1.37% of the comparison group. Very poor oral hygiene was found in 2.33 ± 0.59% of children in the main group and in 0.93 ± 0.31% of the comparison group. At the same time, unsatisfactory oral hygiene was noted in 30.37 ± 1.81% of children with ESR and in 14.95 ± 2.44% of people living in ECR. Poor oral hygiene was recorded in 12.77 ± 1.31% of the examined children of the main group and in 4.21 ± 1.37% of the comparison group. Very poor oral hygiene was found in 2.33 ± 0.59% of children in the main group and in 0.93 ± 0.31% of the comparison group. Conclusions. Thus, in children with ECG patients with HCG, the intensification of inflammatory processes increased with age, depended on the severity of HCG and was higher than in children with HCG, residents of ECR.


chronic catarrhal gingivitis, children, ecological situation.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 366-368 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-02-07:613.1]-053.2.