Sheshukova O. V., Kostenko V. O., Akimov O. Ye., Onyschenko A. V.


About the author:

Sheshukova O. V., Kostenko V. O., Akimov O. Ye., Onyschenko A. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Good oral hygiene affects the condition of the teeth, periodontium and oral mucosa, which, in turn, directly and indirectly affects the condition of the body as a whole. The formation of skills and algorithms for oral care in primary school is an important task of the dentist. Contempt for educational and explanatory work by a dentist can lead to the fixation of misconceptions about proper oral hygiene in children, which will lead to poor oral care and, consequently, increase the incidence of inflammatory periodontal disease. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of treatment and prevention complex on the activity of nitric oxide cycle enzymes, intensity of lipid peroxidation, concentration of nitrites and ceruloplasmin in the saliva of primary school children with overweight and signs of inflammation in periodontal tissues. The study was conducted in Poltava, examined 628 children of grades 1-4 aged 6-11 years, of which the study included 81 students without concomitant somatic diseases. In all study groups was used the author’s method of treatment and prevention of periodontal disease, which included: professional and individual oral hygiene; use as a hygienic means of a toothbrush MAY dent of average rigidity special care super cleaning; the use of toothpaste «New Pearl. Coniferous balm»for brushing teeth 2 times a day; rinsing with baby rinse «New Pearl. Strawberry»in the amount of – one cap for one rinsing procedure 2 times a day; applying a thin layer 2-3 times a day – daily for 4-6 days prophylactic anti-periodontal gel «Abigel». The proposed author’s method of treatment and prevention of periodontal disease effectively normalizes the functioning of certain enzymes of the nitric oxide cycle and reduces the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the oral fluid of primary school children with signs of catarrhal gingivitis and overweight. Increased body weight in children of primary school age leads to increased processes of lipid peroxidation and the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the oral fluid.


children, catarrhal gingivitis, overweight, primary school age, treatment, prevention


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 376-381 pages, index UDK 616-003.231-07:612.015]-06:616.31-002]-053.5./-056.52-08