About the author:
Avramenko N. V., Barkovskiy D. E.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the general female population, genital malformations are reported to occur with an incidence of 1%-5%, in groups of patients with fertility up to 6.5%. The most frequent and studied malformations due to an aberrant developmental inhibition of the Muellerian ducts during embryogenesis. However, mesonephric anomalies, certain obstructive Mьllerian malformations and other malformative combinations are particularly important because they cause several clinical symptoms and impact the patient’s quality of life, in addition to creating fertility problems. The aim of the presented study is to analyse the current data of scientific literature on the features of developmental female genital malformations, their classification and to clarify the peculiarities of their treatment in girls. The complex topic of female genital tract malformations should include malformations that affect the development and morphology of the Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and vulva, with or without associated ovarian, urinary, skeletal or other organ malformations. Therefore, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches vary due to the diversity of the anomalies, their combinations and clinical manifestations. Among the reviewed classifications of female genital abnormalities, the ESHRE / ESGE system seems to be simple, user-friendly and adequately clear, do not explain or suggest the actual origin of female genitourinary tract malformations nor their appropriate therapeutic correction. Nowadays, the selection of techniques in the management of uterus and vagina malformations in girls, as well as the relevance and timeliness of their application are the main challenges. Conclusions. Female genital malformations occur mostly during embryogenesis. Anatomical-embryological classifications of female genital tract malformations (and particularly of uterine malformations) due to development anomalies of the Mьllerian ducts are the most common, but they do not encompass their aetiology. But its consideration is highly important for the selection of appropriate therapeutic correction.
developmental anomalies, female genital tract, embryogenesis, correction techniques, aplasia, agenesis, vaginal reconstruction
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 16-20 pages, index UDK 616-007:612.62-005.25