About the author:
Lobanov I. Y.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The objectives of this paper are effects study of minimal brain dysfunction predictions of on alcohol and substance use disorders in young adults. Based on the scientific literature review evaluated the effects of minimal brain dysfunction syndrome, the formation of disorders related to substance use in young people. Used the PubMed, Google, MEDLINE, PMC to find relevant publications, which were published during the last 15 years. There is strong evidence for an association minimal brain dysfunction, especially attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, with different types of addictive behavior has been defined in the analysis of scientific articles. Comorbidity they paid a lot of attention, but the MMD impact on the formation of dependent states in adolescence and early adulthood is still not been sufficiently studied. Four age periods of the development of minimal brain dysfunction and emotional-behavioral-personal disorders are pointed out: under 1 year; 3-4 years; 6-7 years; puberty age. Biological (prenatal and perinatal), psychological and socio-economic factors of minimal brain dysfunction development are defined. The considerable attention is paid to factors of influence on addiction development or inversely addiction prevention. General mechanism of minimal brain dysfunction formation, deviant behavior and different types of addiction is investigated. The influence of environmental factors on addiction formation in minimal brain dysfunction is researched. It is defined that attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a predictor of any type of psychoactive substances use. On the base of scientific literature research it is noted that minimal brain dysfunction can serve as comorbide pathology connected with psychoactive substances use or alcohol, both as opportunity for dependence syndrome nascency. It is summed up that the consequences of minimal brain dysfunction influence on all further life of individual. The study of this problem opens up fresh opportunities for invention of the system of early detection, treatment and prevention of alcohol addiction. It gives a chance for drug dependency treatment to move to a new level.
minimal brain dysfunction, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, addictive behavior, alcohol use disorder, young adults
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 45-50 pages, index UDK 616.831-178.1-053.6