About the author:
Ryabukha O. І.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The hypothesis of our study consisted in assuming that there are certain differences in the effect of thyroid hormones produced by the organism using iodine of various chemical origin. The purpose of the represented work was to study changes in body weight under the influence of iodine intake (iodine of organic and inorganic chemical nature). The subject of the research was a comparative study of the effect of organic and inorganic iodine on general condition of the organism. The object of the study is the dynamics of body weight changes as an integral indicator of the organism’s condition. While receiving food, the animals (white crossbred male rats of the original body weight of 0,14-0,16 kg) were consuming different amounts of organic and inorganic iodine under conditions of the optimal iodine supplementing while sticking to balanced general nutrition. The study revealed dependence of the total monthly increase in body weight and its weekly increments on the fact of additional iodine supplementation. It was established that intensity of the organism’s response to the additional iodine consumption depends on its chemical nature and quantity. Adding both organic and inorganic iodine to the nutrition causes a significant increase in body weight, but the digital values of its weekly increments and the results of final weightings while consuming organic iodine are significantly higher than in the case of intact animals and animals that received identical amounts of inorganic iodine. While receiving organic iodine, the largest (98%) final weight gain was traced in the case of animals that received histologically confirmed minimum effective dose of iodine (21 mcg/kg body weight). While receiving inorganic iodine, the highest endpoints were observed in the case of animals consuming a similar (21 mcg/kg body weight) and optimal (50 mcg/kg body weight) dose – respectively 34% and 35%. During the first week of the research, body weight of the animals with the ration enriched by 21 mcg/kg and 50 mcg/kg of organic iodine and 50 mcg/kg of inorganic iodine, forcedly increased by 51%, 45% and 22%, respectively. However, during the next (second) week of the experiment, it decreased with respect to the previous indices: in the case of rats consuming 50 mcg/kg of organic iodine – by 17%, in the case of animals consuming 21 mcg/kg and 50 mcg/kg of iodine iodide – by 10% and 5%. The established phenomena of “anabolic leap” and “body weight increase inversions” require further in-depth study. Most likely, their causes lie in the intensification of the anabolism processes. At the same time, we do not exclude the probability of occurrence of certain undetermined disorders of the thyroid gland function. To answer these questions, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth investigation of the features of the thyroid gland activity, in particular, it is necessary to determine the degree of involvement of organs that are functionally connected to the thyroid gland (adrenal glands and liver) in the aforementioned processes.
thyroid gland, body weight, organic iodine, inorganic iodine
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 97-102 pages, index UDK 616.391-056.5:(546.15+547.226)