About the author:
Prokopiuk V. Y., Goltsev A. M., Prokopiuk O. S., Somova K. V., Loginova O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is diagnosed in 5-15% of women in reproductive age. It manifests in anovulation, hyperandrogenism, infertility and carbohydrate metabolism failure. These processes changing during pregnancy, stem cell therapy. It can be supposed, that placental derivatives may be used for POS treatment. The aim of the workwas to study the effect of cryopreserved placental explants (CPE) on the progression of experimental POS. Methods.POS was modeled on Wistar rats by the mefipristone injection. Animals were divided into three groups: 1 –animal with the model of POS without treatment, 2 – animal with POS, treated by 70 mg of CPE, 3 –intact animals. Morphological changes in ovaries, uterus, reproductive indices was studied. Results.A month after POS modeling, all experimental animal had an estrogenic type of vaginal cytology with superficial epithelial cells. Animal without treatment had cystic changes in the ovaries. In some cases, large cysts – up to 5 mm, sometimes the cysts reached 2-3 mm, with a hemorrhages in the cavity. Also were noticed the reducing number of secondary follicles (in the growth stage) and yellow bodies. The number of primordial and primary follicles did not change. The hyperplasia of endometrium was noticed in the uterus. None of animals became pregnant. The presence of a small number of yellow bodies in the ovaries could be explained by luteinisation without ovulation or unavailability of endometrium to implantation. When study the group with POS, treated by CPE, the number of ovarian cysts was significantly lower, the number of yellow bodies and secondary follicles were increased, that indicate some normalization of folliculogenesis. The hyperplasia of endometrium were decreased. Animals with POS, treated by CPE were pregnant in half of the cases. In pregnant animals, the number of yellow bodies, implantation sites, and the number of live fetuses were reduced in comparison with intact animals. However, the greatest difference was in the number of yellow bodies and implantation sites indicates reproductive loss at the implantation stage due to the lack of endometrium preimplantation preparedness. Conclusions.The study suggests that the use of cryopreserved placental explants in the anti-progestin model of POS allows restore of folliculogenesis, endometrium structure and fertility.
polycystic ovary syndrome, placenta, cryopreservation, rats, infertility
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 167-171 pages, index UDK 618.11-006.2: 615.361.