About the author:
Romaniuk A. M., Lyndina Yu. M., Sikora V. V., Gusak Ye. V., Sumtsova N. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Problems of haematoecology, which studies the effect of exogenous factors on biocenosis, are becoming urgent today. Heavy metal salts (HMS) are among the most significant pollutants. The second important challenge of modern medicine is a search for relevant corrective and preventive means to increase the resistance of an organism to environmental pollution. This study was performed to determine the element composition of the rat bone marrow (BM) under modeling microelementosis and correction of accumulation capacity of rats with vitamin E. Object and methods. The study of the heavy metal (HM) content in BM was performed on 84 adult (4 months old) male albino Wistar rats, allocated into two groups (a period of HMS intoxication and a period of readaptation) and three subgroups (control, HMS intake and correction of changes with vitamin E). Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the element composition of BM. Measurements and calculations were performed with AAS-SPECTR programme.Results. Animals, treated with HMS in water, showed a significant increase of HM in blood-forming tissue. Compared to intact animals (p<0.001), Fe revealed 147% higher than normal, Cu – 130.6%, Zn – 59.4%, Mn – 105%, Cr – 134.7% and Pb – 182% higher than normal on the 90 th day. The overall amount of HM increased by 137.5% and ranged 1406.98±52.35 mg/g. Application of Vitamin E delayed accumulation of HM in blood-forming tissue. Readaptation period showed lower concentration of pollutants in blood-forming tissue and depended on the corrective supplementation and the period of observation. Conclusions. Intake of heavy metal salts causes growing accumulation of heavy metals in bone marrow (during the first month). The prolonged experiment revealed increasing accumulation of pollutants, but compensatory mechanisms created favourable conditions to delay the accumulation. During 90 days Fe increased by 147%, Cu – 130.6%, Zn – 59.4%, Mn – 105%, Cr – 134.7% and Pb – 182% (p<0.001). Readaptation gradually normalizes all the above-mentioned changes (removal of heavy metals from the bone marrow), which depends on the duration of the reabilitation period (p<0.05). Vitamin E supplementation due to its antagonistic properties toward heavy metals reduces their negative effect, revealed in lower accumulation and faster removal of heavy metals from bone marrow.
bone marrow, heavy metals, microelementosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 171-177 pages, index UDK 616.419-092:613.63:616-085.356:577.161.3