About the author:
Syao Yan, Usenko A. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aim– to study the seasonal dynamics of thrombotic complications at patients after abdominal surgical interferences, to analyze seasonal changes of indexes of platelet and vascular heamostasis and its variability in different months, to research the level of cardiovascular risk. Object and methods.It was included 939,0 clinical cases in controlled research. The ratio of men and women was 54,0% (507,0 persons) versus 46,0% (432,0 persons). The middle age was – 42,1±8,9. The parameters of aggregation were analyzed in 234,0 patients with thrombotic complications. Also, we have inspected the same indexes in 30,0 persons of control group. The research of thrombocyte aggregation parameters was conducted on the analyzer “BIOLA” (230LA, Russia) with turbidimetric method by J. Born. Results. It is set that the highest risk of thrombotic complications has been on February and March, where contribution of patients with thromboembolism are 20,9% (p=0,001). Probability of thromboembolism in the 1 st quarter of the year among surgical patients in the postoperative period is set as 29,9% (p<0,005). At the patients with thrombotic complications are estimated the higher level of spontaneous (p<0,05), ADPinduced aggregation (p<0,05), and the speed of induced aggregation in compare with healthy volunteers (p<0,05). Due to seasonal changes the 63,0% patients have higher level of ADP-induced aggregation than grouping median in the 1-st quarter of year, and the lowest risk due to the aggregation parameters are set at the 4th quarter. Conclusions. It was set the reliable seasonal changes of platelet and vascular heamostasis indexes and its variability in different months, which can change the level of cardiovascular risk.
thromboembolism, postoperative period, seasonal, platelet aggregation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 193-197 pages, index UDK 616.14-005.6/.7-089