About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Novikova S. C., Anopriyeva N. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In modern conditions, the main task of a higher educational institution, especially medical, is aimed at training specialists with a high level of professional competence and versatile personal development, capable of continuous self-improvement, constant replenishment and expansion of the spectrum of their knowledge and skills. The training of specialists who can study all their lives, which will determine the pace and level of scientific, technical, medical, economic and socio-cultural progress, is important today. Improvement of higher medical education is impossible without the introduction of teaching methodological work of the teacher methods that increase the student’s motivation to obtain qualitative theoretical, professional knowledge. Formation of educational motivation is one of the main tasks of modern education. The process of forming the structure of learning motivation begins with the first days of study at the university, and the effectiveness of learning in each case depends more on the structure and strength of motivation. Studying the factors affecting the student’s learning motivation is important for increasing the efficiency of higher education. When analyzing the student’s learning motivation, it is important not only to identify the dominant motive, but also to take into account the structure of the motivational sphere. The determining component of the organization of learning activities is motivation. It may be internal or external to the activity, but it is always an internal characteristic of the individual as the subject of this activity. A prerequisite for success in it is the formation of an inductive sphere, the development of which requires a purposeful pedagogical influence. Thus, the problem of motivation of educational activities promotes formation and development of future specialists, guarantees cognitive activity of students, promotes development of thinking, abilities, acquisition of new knowledge important for further professional activity.
motivation, educational motivation, motives of training, pediatris dentists, professional competence
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 231-234 pages, index UDK 378.6.016:616.31-053.2:37.091.322-057.875