About the author:
Kryzhanivska A. E., Skrypko V. D., Dyakiv I. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The peculiarities and functions of pedagogical communication are analyzed in this article, the problems of socio-psychological interaction between a teacher rand students are lightened, and the characteristic of verbal portrait of a teacher is given. Besides, the specific of etiquette as the main agent of pedagogical communication is surveyed. Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of pedagogue with all the participants of educational and upbringing process which is directed on the creation of optimal conditions for the achievement of aim and tasks of upbringing and training. Pedagogical communication – a system of sociopsychological interaction between the teacher and the student, aimed at creating optimal socio-psychological conditions for joint activities. It provides the transfer through the teacher to students of human culture, assists in the learning of knowledge, promotes the formation of value orientations in the exchange of ideas. In contrast, unprofessional pedagogical communication generates fear, uncertainty, reduces performance, disturbs the speech dynamics, unwillingness to think and act independently, alienation, a stable negative attitude towards the teacher, learning. That’s why constant interaction of a teacher and students is one of the important aspects of life in higher educational institution. Personal growing, spiritual and creative enrichment of both sides which are the important elements of heredity of generations takes place in the process of this interaction. In frames of this process the main role belongs to the teacher, whose functions have specific qualities and features and personal psychological characteristics are able to influence as on the educational and upbringing process in general, as on the personal development of every student. Pedagogical communication as a personal and ethic phenomena demands from the teacher special preparation not only concerning the technology of interaction, but moral experience, pedagogical wisdom in organization of interrelations with students, parents, colleagues in different spheres of educational and upbringing process too. Besides, professional pedagogical communication supposes its high culture, which proves the ability of pedagogue to realize his skills in communication with other people, ability to perceive, to understand, to gain and to pass the content of the thoughts, feelings and desires in the process of education and upbringing. Professional peculiarities of verbal activity of a teacher are in its organizing independence from the conditions of pedagogical communication, in selecting of verbal measures according to the necessities and tasks of interaction of a teacher with students and their behaviour. Pedagogical communication helps a teacher to organize interaction during classes. Not limiting only by the informational function, it creates conditions for exchanging by attitudes and troubles, it helps the assertion of students in the group and provides cooperation in auditory. The pedagogical effectiveness of the teacher’s speech depends on the level of language fluency, the correct choice of language means, and the culture of language. Its important characteristics are content, logic, accuracy, clarity, conciseness, simplicity and emotional expressiveness, imagery, color fulness of speech. So, due to the effective pedagogical communication the favourable atmosphere for positive changes of a personality of a teacher, for the development of personality of a student and gaining knowledge and skills necessary for future specialists are created. Consequently, the culture of pedagogical communication is primarily the general norms of communication, which are determined by the nature of the social system and are based on the achievements of the past and modern.
pedagogical communication, etiquette, communication, interpersonal relationships
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 237-240 pages, index UDK 378:8-177.014