About the author:
Pokotylo V., Logash М.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to the data of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine the rate of prevalence of drug abuse in Ukraine attains 141 drug addicts per 100 thousand population. Among the narcotic substances most often consumed by drug addicts are opiate alkaloids and their synthetic analogues. According to the data of the professional literature the toxic effect of narcotic substances leads to the impaired conductivity and contractile function of myocardium. According to some scientists impairment of mitochondrial apparatus is one of the triggers for development of cardiovascular insufficiency. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to conduct a morphometric analysis of the quantitative and qualitative changes in the mitochondrial apparatus of the rat’s myocardium and their relation to the area of cytoplasm under the effect of nalbuphine in the experiment. The experiment was conducted in accordance with the provision of the European Convention for the protection of the vertebrate animals used for the experimental and another scientific purpose from 24.11.1986 and the approved by Ethical Committee or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Approval, protocol №1 from 20.02.2016. The following quantitative criteria were used for the morphometric analysis of the state of mitochondrial apparatus of the myocardium and the area of cytoplasm: I, II, and III types of mitochondria and the area of cytoplasm. Software Stepanizer V1.0 was used to conduct the morphometric study, electronic spreadsheets LibreOffice Calc v. and Microsoft Excel 2007, were used for the processing primary data, basic analysis and graphic presentation of the results, results, software InVivoStat ver.3.0 and SofaStat v.1.4.6 was used for statistical processing of results. Results. The ratio of all types of mitochondria to cytoplasm in rats of the control group attained 17.44 (12.16, 25)% with prevalence of type I mitochondria – 10.94 (6.94, 16.3)%. On the 7 th day of the experiment rats of the experimental group showed a tendency towards an increase of the ratio of all types of mitochondria to cytoplasm. The overall index attained 24.44 (19.75; 27.84)%, with this index increasing, mainly, owing to type I mitochondria, whose ratio increased up to 16 (10.71, 19.15)%. On the 14th day of the experiment, the ratio indices in general and for all types of mitochondria in particular continued to grow. The overall index increased up to 26.74 (18.18; 31.87)%. However, on the 14 th day, the greatest increase in comparison with the control group was found in type III mitochondria – this index increased up to 3.49 (2.22; 4.55)% with the control group index equaling 1.58 (1.28; 3.49)%. On the 21 st day of the study the overall ratio of mitochondria to cytoplasm slightly decreased down to 21.69 (15.29; 36.36)%. However, indices of type I mitochondria continued to grow and reached their maximum level in the course of the experiment – 19.59 (10.59; 33.33)%. The overall decline occurred owing to type II and type 3 mitochondria with indices being 2.69 (2.06; 7.35)% and 2.94 (1.26; 3.97)% respectively. At that, type III index remained to be higher than that in the control group. On the 28 th day of the experiment general indices continued to decrease and the sum of all types of mitochondria attained 19.48 (12.74; 28.7)%. This decrease took place, mainly, owing to the abrupt fall of type I mitochondria index 13.33 (6.66; 23.03)%. However, type III mitochondria indices stayed at a high level compared to the control group and attained 4.12 (2.49; 7.93)%. On the 35 th day of the experiment indices of the sum of type I and type II decreased to the level of that in the control group and attained 16.09 (12.5, 23.21)%, 12.5 (9.09, 15.58) and 5.49 (2.34; 8.12) respectively. However, indices of type III mitochondria reached their maximum in the course of the experiment – their value attained 5.68 (3.23; 12.79)%. On the 42nd day of the experiment indices of all groups, as well as index of the sum 16.13 (7.97; 26.82)%, became closer to the control group indices.
mitochondria, morphometry, rat, nalbuphine
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 291-297 pages, index UDK 611.127:576.311.347]-018.63:615.212.7