About the author:
Pronina O. M., Bilash S. M., Sidorenko M. I., Kobenyak M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
During the development of surgery, the process of improving surgical suture material was not in place and despite the variety of methods of fabric bonding, suture material is the most widespread method in our time and occupies 95% of all types of tissue bonding. In our case, desmosin is a representative of the CHF that will enable the surgeon to get the desired result. To do this, we will choose a new domestic material desmosin, which is an amino acid derivative of lysine. The thread we are investigating has a blue color and the basis of the thread is high molecular polyester. To investigate macroscopic and microscopic changes of tissues of the small and large intestines after experimental resection using desmosin in the early postoperative period. Macroscopic studies were conducted to evaluate the nature of postoperative scar in the small intestine when using a resorption thread. For microscopic examination, the general method of coloring with hematoxylin and eosin were used. Microscopically, for 1 day in the tissues of the large and small intestine, adjacent to the thread, moderate infiltration by granulocytes and lymphocytes is observed, swelling on separate sections and there is a pattern of traumatic alteration of all dissected structures (mucosal, submucosal, muscular layers and serous). In the wound gap during this period there are marked elements of blood and fibrin. In adjacent to the puncture canal, leukocytic infiltration and circulatory disorders (manifestations of arterial and venous congestion, marked stasis in separate samples) are observed in tissues. Microscopically, for 3 days in the tissues of the large and small intestine, the zone of sero-fibrinous impregnation of the transitional epithelium with its own mucosal plate, represented mostly by collagen fibers and single elastic, as well as septic trapped muscle, is noticeably reduced. The picture of circulatory disorders is seen on individual specimens mainly in the form of venous congestion. Regarding the appearance of glucose, stasis, diapedetic hemorrhages and thrombosis, they are noted only in tissues that are directly in contact with the thread. Microscopically, for 7 days in the tissues of the small and large intestines, the wound canal is filled almost entirely with a wide stratum of young loose connective tissue, which consists of low-differentiated mesenchymal elements, a large number of fibroblasts, thin and loose-fitted fuchsinophilic fibers. Between the latter there is a significant number of newly formed capillaries, as well as sinusoids. Therefore, desmosin completely preserves the positive qualities of the initial material (prevents the development of suppurative inflammatory changes, bilayer granulomas, stimulation of the activity of fibroblasts).
morphology, desmosin, experimental resection, small intestine
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 297-300 pages, index UDK 616.341-018-089.168.1:617-089.87:615.468.6]-092.9