About the author:
Сурин А. В., Походенько-Чудакова И. О., Герасимович А. И., Адольф Е. В.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Morphometry meets all the principles of evidence-based medicine and objectively confirms the orientation of the pathological process dynamics when those or other methods of treatment are applied. The purpose of the studywas to determine the influence of dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) on morphometric parameters of mucosa of the maxillary sinus of experimental animal model of chronic sinusitis. Object and methods. The study involved 22 male rabbit with the model of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus and divided into two series. In series A (12) we studied the formation of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus in a period of 3 months after the introduction into the sinus of the filling material for filling root canals of teeth. In series B (10) we studied the influence of DENS on the course of chronic sinusitis. The study included a descriptive morphology and morphometry with the calculation in the digitized fields of view of inflammatory cell infiltration (leucocytes, eosinophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, giant multinucleated cells) and the number of vessels and fibroblasts, reflecting the processes of reparative regeneration. Results. Morphological pattern and morphometric parameters of the series A show that the introduction into the maxillary sinus of the filling material stimulates the conditions for the inflammatory process with chronic undulating relapsing. In series B it was noted that after a course of DENS in most of examinations we found chronic productive inflammation going into a phase of decay with a predominance of processes of the organization and regeneration. There were no visible exudative reaction including microabscesses, there were only minor small focus admixture of neutrophils and eosinophilic granulocytes in a predominant mononuclear infiltrate. In the his to pathological picture the regenerative processes with a relatively rare appearance of fibroblasts, dominated signs of fibroplasia, some atrophy of the epithelium. Determined pronounced neoangiogenesis, represented by clusters of full-blooded venules, proliferating endotheliumand granulation tissue varying degrees of maturity, emboli, and aggregates of foreign material in the lymph and blood vessels. It was noted the formation of polyps with a predominance of macrophage giant cell granulomas over. Only in one field of view were identified coarse inclusions filling material, “immured” in a dense coarse-fibered connective tissue, indicating a more intense elimination of foreign material. Conclusion. Identified in the experiment the decrease in the activity of chronic inflammatory process with a clear predominance of productive tissue reactions and a significant decrease in exudation, decrease in the degree of its severity and duration, the predominance of the processes of the organization and reparation allows to achieve stable remission and therefore to conclude that the positive therapeutic effect of DENS on the course of chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. Prospects for further research. Experimental results prove the feasibility of the application of DENS in complex postoperative treatment in the clinics.
experimental sinusitis, maxillary sinus, morphometry, reflexology, dynamic electroneurostimulation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 305-310 pages, index UDK 616. 216. 1 – 002. 2: 615. 8 – 092. 9