Boyarska L. N., Velykanova T. V., Podlyanova O. I.


About the author:

Boyarska L. N., Velykanova T. V., Podlyanova O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The effectiveness of early rehabilitation programs aimed at the formation of proper psychomotor development and the achievement of a high level of social adaptation of prematurely born children depends on the active participation of parents. Formed and fixed in-home relations at home will promote the proper development of the child on the one hand, and on the other hand, reduce parental stress and depression and increase parent’s self-esteem. The purpose of our workwas to study the influence of the parent factor on the effectiveness of rehabilitation of children born with CBLB and CBELB during the first three years of life. Object and methods.Under the cathemistic observation, during the first 3 years of life, there were 70 children who were born with ENMT and DNMT, and were undergoing rehabilitation in a specialized center (OCSSR, 32 children) or a policlinic (CPMPD, 38 children). A survey was conducted on parents of 32 children: from the OCSRP 22 (1 group) and from the CPMPD 10 families (2 groups) according to the questionnaire we compiled. Results.By the age of three, 40.9% of the parents of the 1st group assessed her condition as “good”, 31.8% – “very good”, 27.3% – “excellent”. In group 2, 30% determined the condition of the child as “satisfactory”, 70% – “bad”. During the year, the condition has improved for all children in group 1, and only in 40% of the 2nd group. 73.1%. The parents of group 1 assessed the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures as “excellent” and “very good”, and only 40% of parents in group 2 were “very good”. Most of the parents of the 1 st group defined the recommendations of specialists during the rehabilitation as “very important” (95.5% vs. 60% in group 2) and believed that the health status of the child did not affect family relationships (77.3% vs. 20.0% in group 2) and relationships with friends and colleagues (72.7% vs. 10.0% in group 2). 63.7% of parents in group 1 did not consider that the child became the cause of their emotional burnout (compared to 30% in group 2). Equally, in both groups, the birth and further outing of a child from DNMT and ENMT significantly reduced the time spent by parents on different types of activities and their hobbies, which led to various problems with family “schoolbuilding”. Conclusions.Modern rehab programs for premature babies differ in composition, intensity and impact on the rehabilitation potential of the family. The questionnaire designed to evaluate the effectiveness of catamnestic surveillance in outpatient settings is an important objective method for determining the dynamics of the state of children’s health and the reaction of the family on the need to care for a premature baby. Professional support and interaction with a team of specialists in the conditions of a specialized center greatly enhances the rehabilitation potential of the family, significantly increases the positive dynamics of child health compared with rehabilitation under the conditions of the CPDS.


premature babies, catamnesis, questionnaires of parents, rehabilitation potential of the family


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 316-321 pages, index UDK 616-036.82/.85+316.61]-053.32-056.253:316.614.5