About the author:
Zadorozhna A. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The objective of this work was to conduct a comparative analysis of indicators of quality of life of patients with allergic rhinitis in Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions and to determine the ways of medical and social adaptation of patients and an algorithm for conducting enlightenment activities. The study involved 166 patients with allergic rhinitis, of which 98 respondents from Dnipropetrovsk region (52 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and 46 patients with year-round allergic rhinitis) and 68 respondents from Kyiv region (40 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and 28 patients with year-round allergic rhinitis). The average age of patients who participated in the study in the Dnipropetrovsk region was 37.5 ± 2.4 years; in the Kiev region – 44.8 ± 3.2 years. It has been established that seasonal allergic rhinitis significantly reduces the quality of life of patients in the Dnipropetrovsk region and in the Kyiv region. This disease not only limits physical activity, but also affects the social and role aspects of life. It was showed a significant decrease of 4 indicators: “Role-based functioning due to the physical condition”, “Rolebased functioning due to the emotional state”, “Life activity” and “Social functioning”, indicating the emotional and physical problems that limit patients with allergic rhinitis. More than a third of the patients are embarrassed because of their symptoms and say that the allergic rhinitis impedes them in public life and affects the activities they are engaged in. Also, 9 out of 10 patients with allergic rhinitis do not work at full strength when they have severe symptoms of allergy. In 54% of respondents there is a decrease in self-esteem, a decrease in libido and deterioration of intimate life. Thus, when summarizing the obtained data it is possible to determine following social and medical problems in patients with allergic rhinitis: 1) The quality of life is significantly reduced in patients with allergic rhinitis, especially during the period of aggravation of manifestations of allergy. 2) Patients with allergic rhinitis limit themselves in the society life, do not work at full strength and some patients are forced to take long leave during the flowering period of plants. 3) Some patients with pollinosis are not familiar with the peculiarities of plants flowering and do not take appropriate measures, which testifies to the low understanding level of the concept of their disease and the consequences of the chronicity of the pathological condition. The identified socio-medical problems require the adoption of educational, medical and managerial decisions, namely: recognition by the leadership of our state of the struggle against the steady increase in the level of allergy in the population; purposeful investment attraction to improve the environmental conditions of the environment, life and work of the population, especially in industrial cities, where allergic rhinitis is more common; the introduction of existing methods of providing medical care to the population with allergic rhinitis and to determine the educational measures for the flowering calendar of the most commonly distributed plants with allergenic pollen and the safety measures in this period in patients with pollinosis. Thus, today, allergic rhinitis is a common disease among the Ukrainian population, which leads to a significant decline in the quality of life of patients, restricts their stay in society, at work, intimate life, etc. These social issues require the adoption and implementation of educational, medical and managerial decisions.
allergic rhinitis, quality of life, social problems, calendar of flowering plants
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 330-333 pages, index UDK 614:612.8