About the author:
Liubarets S. F.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The analysis of the prevalence of teeth formation disorders (TFZ), including molar-incisor hypomineralization of enamel (MIH), and their complications in 2024 children -residents of five regions of Ukraine with different general health conditions was conducted. The highest prevalence of TFZ was established in children with the 3-rd pediatric health group -residents of the Northern region (36,30%), at the same level -in the surveyed of the Western, Eastern and Southern regions (26,77, 21,52 and 22,22%, respectively), the lowest -among residents of the Central region of Ukraine (19,76%). The evaluation of dental status and mineral metabolism indices in the above-mentioned contingents of children allowed us to propose a mathematical method based on discriminant analysis to predict the occurrence of caries as a complication of TFZ in children. To create a discriminant model, the indicators were selected as follows: 1) the choice of variables based on the expert opinion; 2) the calculation of the reliability of the use of variables in the above mentioned analysis; 3) the exclusion of false variables; 4) the use of variables (the accuracy of the selected criteria was p ˂0,05 and less) to create a prediction model. The qualitative functions developed on the basis of discriminant analysis (the model was adequate: F = 17,20; p ˂0,001), which determine the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed method of diagnosing of complications, in particular tooth decay, in children with PFZ include the following criteria: children’s age in years, content of phosphates in intact enamel and oral liquid, prevalence of sexstants with stone according to the municipal periodontal index, value of the enamel resistance test, papillary-marginal-alveolar index, Green-Vermillion index. The advantage of the proposed discriminant model for predicting the development of dental caries as a complication of TFZ, with the inclusion of a number of indicators that turned out to be most significant in conducting a comprehensive examination of children’s contingents, is of high sensitivity and specificity. The proposed prognostic model may be recommended for implementation in medical institutions of Ukraine. Prospects for further research will concern the analysis of remote results of the proposed prognostic model for the development of caries as a complication of TFZ in children.
children, disturbances of teeth formation, caries, mathematical model
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 367-370 pages, index UDK 616.314 002 053.2 02:616.314 007.1