About the author:
Mandych A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The formation of biofilm and its specific composition depends on the physiological features of oral cavity, state of the immunity of mucous membranes, level of the antibodies and antimicrobial factors in the saliva. At the use of orthodontic appliances – braces, changes the composition of dental and subgingival biofilm that forms on free surface of the tooth and in a gingival crack, and presents the special biological system, the elements of which are able to product and react on the special signal molecules, on which the virulence depends. Purpose of the studyis to conduct the monitoring of changes of protease activity of dental biofilms at establishment the bracket system during the treatment of crowded teeth. Research methods.For the achievement of putted aim we were taken to examine 40 patients who were planned orthodontic treatment of the bracket system. The study was conducted before and after 7 days of establishment of the bracket system. The method of EN Mishustin was applied in the basis of methodology of exposure of protease activity. Results of the research and their discussion. The proteolytic activity of bacteria in the microbiocenosis, obtained at cultivation of the material taken from the separate biotopes of oral cavity before establishment the brackets and after 7 days was compared by us. Before the treatment by brackets the absence of proteolytic activity was determined in 90% of the samples with free surface of the tooth, in 70% and 60% of studies from interdental spaces and gingival sulcus, respectively. Paid attention that only in the samples from interdental spaces and gingival sulcus had been determined more than 5 colonies of microorganisms on cm 2 (+++): 2.50% and 5.0%, respectively. In 7 days after establishment of the bracket system the absence of proteolytic activity of microorganisms decreased: at the free surface of the teeth and in the interdental spaces −in 1.2 times and gingival sulcus in 1.5 times. At the same time in the biotopes of contact of structural elements of the bracket with the tooth the absence of proteolytic activity of microorganisms was recorded at 40.0% of the samples. In this term of examinations determined the increase of proteolytic activity due to the growth of amount of 1-2 colonies on cm 2 (+) in 4.0 times and in 1.5 times on the free surface of the tooth and gingival sulcus in relation to the data before treatment. At the same time looked after reduction of 1-2 colonies of microorganisms (+) in 1.2 times in the biotopes of interdental spaces. It should be noted that in 20.0% of the samples in the place of contact of the bracket with the tooth surface colonies on 1-2 cm 2 (+) identified. As a result of conducted studies it is set that in the biotopes proteolytic activity increased due to the increase of microorganism colonies to 5 cm2 : in 1.2 times in interdental spaces, in 1.3 times in gingival sulcus and to 25.0% in the places of contact “tooth-bracket system”. But on the free surface of the tooth proteolytic activity did not change and amounted to 5.0% of the samples. In 7 days after establishment of the bracket system there was more than 5 colonies of microorganisms on cm 2 (+++) in the studied biotopes: 2,50% and 10.0% of the samples on the free surface of the tooth and in the places of contact of structural elements of the bracket with the tooth surface, respectively. At the same time determined the decrease of proteolytic activity of microorganisms in the parameters (+++) in 2.0 times in the biotopes, interdental spaces and gingival sulcus. Have you noticed that in 7 days after establishment of the bracket systems the continuous growth of microorganisms with maximum proteolytic activity was determined in 5.0% of the samples from interdental spaces and in the places of contact of the brackets with tooth tissues and somewhat less (2.50%) – in gingival sulcus. Conclusions. It is shown the possibility of application the method of direct exposure of proteolytic properties of bacteria in the composition of the biofilms of dental microflora. It is revealed that bacteria with high proteolytic activity were more often detected after establishment of the brackets.
orthodontic treatment, proteolytic activity, periodontopathogen microorganisms
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 370-374 pages, index UDK 616.314.25-007.481-092:08