About the author:
Redushko Yu. V., Kutsyk R. V., Rozhko M. M., Dmytryshyn T. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Despite the high percentage of patients who have had removable complete dentures made, according to different data from 25% to 38% of patients cannot use them and 52% complaint about poor fixation of dentures during mastication. One of the methods for enhancing retention of removable complete dentures in adverse anatomical and physiological condition of denture supporting tissue is the use of dental adhesives. The major efforts of the researchers have been traditionally aimed at investigating the fixing properties of dental adhesives. At the same time the aspects of their influence on the microbiocenosis of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the patients using them have not been studied sufficiently. Therefore, the objectiveof this research was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of fixatives in relation to resident and transient representatives of the oral cavity microflora with different pathogenicity for the microbiological substantiation of a differentiated approach to their choice. Object and Methods of Research. Studying antimicrobial properties of seven dental adhesives was performed on 13 clinical strains of aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms isolated from the patients’ removable dentures base surface and denture supporting tissue. Antimicrobial activity of the fixing creams was studied using agar diffusion test. The diameters of microorganisms’ growth retardation zones around the areas with the denture fixation creams under study were determined. Results and Discussion. The results of studying antimicrobial properties of dental adhesives in relation to aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms isolated from the patients’ removable dentures base surface and denture supporting tissue proved the fact that fixatives «Corega Fresh Taste», «Corega Flavorless», «Corega Extra Strong», «Protefix Extra Strong», and «Protefix Aloe Vera»showed an expressed preserving effect on the representatives of the resident microflora of the oral cavity – α-hemolytic streptococci. Non-characteristic of oropharyngeal normal microbiocenoses β-hemolytic streptococcishowed a rather high level of sensitivity to the «Lakalut Dent Mint»fixative, and a moderate sensitivity to «Corega Fresh Taste»and «Corega Flavorless».We also observed the fact that «Lakalut Dent Mint» reliably suppressed the growth of E. coliand C. freundii. Clinical strains C. albicansand C. Tropicalis,that showed minimum sensitivity to all the adhesives, were used to test the antifungal activity of the denture fixatives. In general, the results of the conducted microbiological studies allowed focusing only on the antimicrobial properties of the fixative «Lakalut Dent Mint»that may be related to the optimal combination of the preservative of Methylparabenand the menthol flavoring (known by their antiseptic properties) in its formula. The differences between the other fixing creams were less significant. Considering the level of antimicrobial activity of the adhesives the sequence of their graduation was constructed: «Lakalut Dent Mint» > «Protefix Hypoallergic» > «Protefix Extra Strong» > «Corega Fresh Taste» > «Protefix Aloe Vera» > «Corega Extra Strong» > «Corega Flavorless». Conclusions. The obtained results allowed us to assess and compare the direct antimicrobial activity of various fixatives in relation to clinical strains of microorganisms of oral origin.
dental adhesives, complete removable dentures, microflora, antimicrobial activity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 374-380 pages, index UDK 616.31-083+615.451.3+616.314.76+616.314.77