Trubka I. A.


About the author:

Trubka I. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The state of phosphorus-calcium metabolism plays an important role in the physiological formation of hard tissues of teeth and periodontal tissues. The main sources of natural calcium in the human body are food and drinking water. A significant role in the metabolism of Ca plays a sufficient intake of vitamin D, which is responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, calcium deposits in the bones of the skeleton and teeth. The aim of the experimental studies were conducted on the effect of the joint use of natural mineral waters and vitamin D3 on biochemical indices in rats that were maintained on a cariogenic diet. Object and methods. Experimental studies were conducted within 40 days with the participation of 67 rats of month- ly age weighing 50-60 grams. Animals are divided into 6 groups. Group I – rats were kept on the ration of the vivarium; ІІ – was on the cariogenic diet (KGD), group III – at the KGD the rats received the mineral water «Aqua-vita plus» still, IV – at the KGD the rats gave together mineral water «Aqua-vita plus» still and the vitamin D3 , Group V – KGD + mineral water “Berezovskaya Premium” still, Group VI – KGD + mineral water “Berezovskaya Premium” still+ vitamin D3 . The subjects of the study were blood and dentoalveolar blocks. In the blood serum and homogenates of bone tissue and gums were determined the content P, Ca, the activity of alkaline and acidic phosphatases. Results. Use of mineral water with a Ca content of 50 to 200 mg.l/l (group III and V) increase the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood of rats compared to the group of rats that were on KGD (group II) (Са – 2,49±0,10 mmol/l 2,44±0,19 mmol/l and 2,18±0,06 mmol/l respectively). Also, the use of natural mineral waters leads to a decrease in activity of alkaline phosphatase, acidic phosphatases in the blood of rats (alkaline phosphatase 161,17±6,59 O/L, 150,12±5,99 O/L and 169,84±5,14 O/L; acidic phos- phatases 4,02±0,13 O/L, 3,50 ± 0,16 O/L and 5,13 ± 0,20 O/L, respectively). In groups where, in addition to the use of mineral water in experimental caries, rats were given vitamin D3 , serum lev- els and homogenates of bone tissue and gums were significantly better than in groups of rats with mineral water alone, and were significantly improved compared to the group of rats that were on KGD (group II). Conclusions. The results of experimental studies indicate a the positive effect of the therapeutic-table and natural- table waters, which we use in everyday life on the basic biochemical parameters of blood serum and homogenates of bone tissue and gums of rats located on KGD. An additional use of vitamin D3 significantly improves certain parameters. That is, we can assert that the use of medical-table and natural-table waters with a Ca content of 50 to 200 mg/l, against the background of the use of vitamin D3 , can be recommended as an auxiliary prophylactic means of complex preven- tion of caries of the teeth.


mineral table waters, vitamin D3 , experimental caries, rats.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 380-383 pages, index UDK 616.314-00-085.327:615.874.2:599.323.4