About the author:
Dmytrenko M. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article analyzes and summarizes information about the role of surgical techniques in the complex treatment of patients with dental anomalies. Improvement of dental aesthetics is known to be the major motivating factor in 48%-55% of orthodontic patients. Duration of orthodontic treatment is a basic difficulty that patients can hardly overcome at any age. The process of disadaptation of patients to orthodontic appliances and the lack of motivation to continue treatment are often the main causes of its unfavorable results. Surgical treatment of malocclusion involves correction of oral cavity soft tissues anomalies, serial sequential teeth extraction, corrective extraction of temporary teeth, in accordance with Angle’s classification (temporary occlusion), crown exposure of retained tooth, extraction of supernumerary teeth and separate complete teeth, compactosteotomy, corticotomy, circumferential supracrestal fiberotomy (permanent dentition). Skeletal deformities is a complex problem when adults need orthognathic surgery. According to the results of the study, it was found that three years after treatment stable results of treatment were in 89,19% of patients who underwent correctional extraction of temporary molars. Clinical cases of moderate and severe dental crowding often require the extraction of separate permanent teeth to create a gap for teeth alignment. Most researchers keep to well-known methods of separate permanent teeth extraction and this approach is based on such etiological factors of dental crowding as evolutionary jaw reduction, which occurs faster than decrease in size and number of teeth. Over the past 500 years there has been a significant increase in inter-incisal and lower incisal angles. As a result, many authors consider third molars “unnecessary” and insist on their extraction to prevent dental crowding, thereby reducing the set of permanent teeth. Complex orthodontic treatment of malocclusion combined with modern surgical techniques, allows faster to eliminate anomalies in craniofacial area and to ensure better stability of the achieved morphological results.
surgical techniques, orthodontic treatment, malocclusion
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 28-32 pages, index UDK 616.314-007:617