About the author:
Zhyvotovska L. V., Skrypnikov A. M., Sokil A. A., Boiko D. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The extreme and life-threatening situations provoke the development of response to severe stress in the form of acute and post-traumatic stress disorders. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most frequent and unfavorable forms of mental disorders in people who have experienced life-threatening situations. According to the recent research data the post-traumatic stress disorders in combatants of combat operations in the East of Ukraine have delayed and chronic form. Moreover, it has been determined that the long-term manifestations of chronic PTSD in combatants depend on its clinical variant. In 2-3 years after the onset of disease the patients with PTSD presented with the development of affective-unstable type of personality disorder in combination with social exclusion, alienation and hostility towards others. Manifestations of affective-unstable type of personality in patients were characterized by emotional instability, tendency to impulsive actions disregarding the possible consequences, outbursts of violence, affective-destructive forms of behavior in response to disapproval and criticism. As the result of the addictive PTSD type development, the systematic (almost daily) alcohol consumption to influence the “reexperience” and “flight” syndromes was registered in patients at the long-term stage. Moreover, in 100% of combatants with this type of PTSD, the primary pathological craving for alcohol was registered. In case of neurosis-like clinical variant of PTSD development, the long-term effects in the form of “energy reduction” was observed in 70.49% of patients and “loss of interests and pleasure” (anhedonia) − in 49.18% of cases. The loss of pleasure also affected the vital functions, such as sexual relations, feeling of thirst, hunger and taste of food. In 31.57% of patients the episodic paroxysmal anxiety (panic attacks) was observed. The study conducted has determined that in 75% of people who experienced psycho-emotional stress in long-term variant the somatogenic predisposition was associated with local (organ) somato-vegetative dysfunction or certain psychosomatic diseases in combination with neurosis-like psychopathological disorders and focal symptoms of organic nature. About 70% of suicidal acts in case of depressive states were associated with the problems of interpersonal relations of combatants with other people after their return from the combat area. Despite the fact that the percentage of the diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder has been growing in recent years, there are few researches regarding emotional and personality disorders in the period of long-term effects in case of combat psychic traumas. Thus, the study of affective disorders in case of long-term effects of post-traumatic stress remains relevant issue in the modern psychiatry. The priority direction is the study of predictors, mechanisms of development and clinical features of long-term post-traumatic stress effects, which will make it possible to improve the present-day rehabilitation programs, quality of live indicators and return patients to full-fledged social functioning.
post-traumatic stress disorder, long-term effects, affective disorders
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 32-36 pages, index UDK 616.895-06:[616.45-001.1/3-06:616-001]-036.86