Zaychenko G. V., Gorchacova N. A., Doroshenko A. I., Ryzhenko I. M., Klimenko O. V.


About the author:

Zaychenko G. V., Gorchacova N. A., Doroshenko A. I., Ryzhenko I. M., Klimenko O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Problem of the wounds treatment including the purulent wounds is one of the priority tasks. The search of the new methods of the wounds treatment approach is connectеd with increase of the natural and technogenic catastrophes, military conflicts, conditional traumatism. The treatment of wounds must be complex including the antimicrobial drugs (antibiotics, antiseptics), reparants, remedies of liquid compensation, surgical and physiotherapeutic methods use. Last years the sorbents are used for the purulent wounds treatment. The sorbents have the wide sorbtion surface. During the sorbtion process the toxic metabolites connect with sorbents. The sorbents are used for limphosanitation and detoxication. The sorbents are distinguished by size, volume of pores and chemical nature of surface. In the medicine more often carbon activators and silica sorbents are prescribed. The silica sorbents have sorbtion, antimicrobial, limphodetoxicative, limphodrenage, immunoregulative properties and are recommended for application sorbtion. The sorbents with immobilize enzymes and reparants have the great significance. The sorbents help to defend the tissues from hypoxia, decrease the microcirculation disturbances, remove the metabolism changes, realize limphosanation and detoxication. After treatment with sorbents the tissues hyperhydration is fallen. There are nanoparticles of heavy metals such as silver, gold, cuprum, ferrum, polymers and their compounds, for example with nanosilica possessing antimicrobial and wounds healing properties. There was prospected and inoculated nanosilica sorbent “Sorbex” with antimicrobial, detoxication effects. Except of sorbtive and antimicrobial actions nanosilica compounds decrease pathogenetic filter. Toxicity of nanometals with silica in composites is less than toxicity of metals. Polymer compounds also have antimicrobial properties and wounds healing properties. It was inoculated the nanocomposite of nanodisperse silica with polymer polymethylensyloxane for the wounds healing. This composite has sorbtion, osmotic activity and antimicrobial, antitoxic influence. One of the guanidine polymer derivatives polyhexamethylenguanidine is used in medicine, veterinary, agrical culture in gel form. It was shown that polyhexamethylenguanidine has antimicrobial, antifungial and wounds healing properties in vitro and in vivo. It caused quicker burn wounds healing than referant drug levomecol. Under the polyhexamethylenguanidine influence the cutting wound has been healed quicker than the wound in the control animals. Polyhexamethylenguanidine is active opposite many polyresistant microbes and mold fungi on which the antibiotics don`t influence. Polyhexamethylenguanidine as one of the antiseptics and desinfective drugs, may be used in solution, in gel. Comparatively with chlorhexidinum polyhexamethylenguanidine influences on the more resistant microorganisms and fungi. Polyhexamethylenguanidine may influence as cation detergent, damages cells membranes acting on the lypopolysaccharides and mureine components of the cells’ membranes leading to the cells` lysis. Also the polymer may influence on the activity of cells enzymes. There are experiments that are shown that polyhexamethylenguanidine in inhalation may damage the lungs epithelium, cause fibrosis of lungs cells because of cytokines induction. The innovative composite consisting of polyhexamethylenguanidine with nanodisperse silica should be less toxity, more safety and more active than its components. The further investigations of the innovative composite sorbtive, antimicrobial, immunomodulating, antiinflammatory and metabolite effects will widen the knowledge about its properties.


polyhexamethylenguanidine, nanodisperse silica, antimicrobial, sorbe properties, wounds treatment


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 37-42 pages, index UDK 615–022.369–085–281