About the author:
Petrov Ye. Ye., Burmak Yu. G., Treumova S. I., Ivanitskaya T. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Estimation of peculiarities of bronchial patency’s changes in the patients with chronic cor pulmonale (CCP) of broncho-pulmonary genesis depending on the intensity of hemodynamic disorders in conditions of comorbidity with hypertensive disease (HD) has been carried out. Indices of bronchial patency in 160 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and CCP (female-62, male-98, mean age – 55,6±2,2), among whom 96 (female-38, male-58) had its combination with HD of the II stage, 2 degree of arterial hypertension, were examined. Then the patients were subdivided depending on the presence and expressiveness of systemic hemodynamics’ disorders. There were two main groups – patients with comorbid pathology- without signs of systemic hemodynamics’ disorders (the compensation stage, group “1m”, 32 patients (33,3%) and “2m” group – with the presence of circulatory insufficiency – 64 patients (66,7%) (the decompensation stage). The comparative groups include patients with CCP of broncho-pulmonary genesis without HD (patients – 64, female-24, male-40), among whom 32 (50,0%) were without signs of systemic hemodynamics’ disorders – the compensation stage (group “1с”), 32 (50,0%) – with presence of the II stage of circulatory insufficiency – the decompensation stage (group “2с”). All the groups were of the same sex, age and duration of disease’s course. The carrying out treatment of both CCP of broncho-pulmonary genesis and HD met the requirements of the protocol. It has been established that patients both of the main groups and the comparative groups had significantly lower indices of vital capacity (VC) and significant patency’ decreasing of proximal and distal bronchi in comparison with healthy individuals. Besides, the changes were visible distinctly even in patients during the compensation stage of CCP (the group 1с). The analysis of bronchial patency’ indices in patients of the 1m and 1с groups has presented a significant decrease of almost all indices of external respiration function (ERF) in the patients with presence of comorbid HD. Noting the presence of the significantly low VC (1,14 times; р<0,001), we can’t help directing at a possible participation of the left ventricular dysfunction in the arterial hypertension in its formation. The following indices were significantly decreased in patients of the 1m group in comparison with the 1с group: forced expiratory volume per 1 second (FEV1) (1,10 times, р<0,001) and indices, reflecting patency in proximal parts of bronchi – peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) (1,53 times, р<0,001), forced expiratory flow 25% (FEF 25), 50% (FEF50) forced vital capacity (1,14 times, р<0,001 and 1,08 times, р<0,05, accordingly). Besides indices of distal bronchial patency didn’t have significant differences. The most significant changes of ERF were diagnosed in patients with comorbid pathology in presence of circulatory insufficiency (2m group); in comparison with patients of the 2с group were noted maximal decrease of the following indices: VC (1,3 times; р<0,001), FEV1 (1,31 times, р<0,001) and indices of proximal bronchial patency – PEFR (1,32 times, р<0,001), FEF 25 (1,20 times, р<0,001). Taking into account the fact of maximal changes in structure of external respiration’s indices in comorbid patients with CCP during decompensation stage, it is impossible to doubt the contribution of the ventricular dysfunction (which leads indirectly to an increase of bronchial resistance) in their formation. At the same time the significant differences in indices of distal bronchial patency haven’t been revealed. Conclusions 1. The presence of disorders of proximal and distal bronchial patency is noted in the patients with CCP of broncopulmonary genesis; intensity of the changes has a tendency to an increase as development of CCP decompensation. 2. Patients with CCP of broncho-pulmonary genesis and comorbid HD have the most intensive changes of bronchial patency’s disorders. Besides, the maximal changes of patency mainly in proximal parts of bronchi are noted in patients with CCP during the decompensation stage.
chronic cor pulmonale, hypertensive disease, comorbidity, external respiration function
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 148-152 pages, index UDK 616.233+616.24-005:616.12-008.331.1