About the author:
Derevianko T. V., Zviaholska I. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper is focused on the issues of environmental education of future medical specialists for solving the problems of human health protection and optimization of environmental conditions. The assessment of environmental knowledge and environmentally related professional level included the enquiry of 150 students of II, III years of training and III year medical students of normative training term achieving the second (master’s) level of higher education for knowledge branch 22 “Health Care” on speciality 222 “Medicine” and was conducted at Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. Questionnaire was used as survey technique. “The value of environmental education in professional activities” was the issue of the survey. The questionnaire included both the general environmental and environmentally related professional questions, in particular on microbiology, virology and immunology. The role of microbiology, virology and immunology in formation of environmental knowledge system in medical students was specified and determined. Acquired environmental knowledge is the personal achievement of the individual formed under the influence of environmental information and certain conceptual and terminological apparatus, which students obtain during the lectures, practical classes and independent work, while solving the test tasks of various complexity and types, including the tasks “Krok − 1” from licensing exam database. Due to the improved methods of microbiology, virology and immunology teaching as well as the use of various teaching techniques, the future medical specialists acquire necessary environmental knowledge and skills, which make them possible to consider the patient not only as a separate social individual, but also as an open biological system, the component of symbiosis in close correlation to environment and implement preventive measures for health protection and infectious diseases prevention. It has been determined that students evaluated their environmental awareness as “little informed”, they lacked specific knowledge regarding the legislation acts regulating environmental legal relations. Moreover, the conditions mentioned don’t provide formation of environmental experience in future specialist who is not informed in basic norms of human behavior in field of environmental protection. According to the data obtained, every fourth student stated the need to deepen environmental knowledge and 76.0% of students wanted to participate in environmental activities at various levels aimed at environment improvement. The evaluation results of students’ answers have determined that the largest part (71.4%) of them associated the public health deterioration with the environmental problems in the region. Thus, only the integrated approach in environmental education, which includes the basics of environmental knowledge in each academic discipline of higher education establishments, can provide the formation of deep knowledge and skills in environmental protection, improve students’ environmental culture, which will also induce their professional activities.
ecological culture, medical students, questionnaire survey, microbiology, virology, immunology
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 211-216 pages, index UDK 378:504-057.875:578+579