Yakushko O. S.


About the author:

Yakushko O. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The competitiveness of the national system of medical education in the world market of educational services is evidenced by the quality of training of international students, especially the English-language form of instruction. In the conditions of increased demand of foreign citizens for medical education in Ukraine, the provision of optimal conditions and effective progressive methods of teaching and students’ knowledge control is rational. The lecture is distinguished by its time effectiveness, the ability to accumulate and provide students with a large amount of academic and scientific information on the discipline and is an important means of managing of educational and cognitive activity of students. Lecturing for international students is rather complicated. It requires from the teacher not only a deep knowledge of his discipline, but also pedagogy, psychology, ethics. Lectures from the cycle “General Histology” introduce students to the morphofunctional features of the tissues of the human body. The lecture material from the topic “Epithelial tissues” is adapted to the modern requirements of the educational process, contains a large number of drawings, photographs of micro-preparations, video films. It causes a lively interest among students, facilitates perception, lays the ground for further studying histology. Epithelium is an avascular tissue composed of cells that cover the exterior body surfaces and line internal closed cavities. Epithelium also forms the secretory portion of glands and their ducts. Specialized epithelial cells function as receptors for the special senses (smell, taste, hearing, and vision). Epithelial tissues are composed of closely aggregated polyhedral cells with very little extracellular substance. Covering epithelia has cells which are organized in layers that cover the external surface or line the cavities of the body. This type of epithelial tissues are classified to the simple (contain only one layer of cells) and stratified (contain more than one layer). Glandular epithelia are formed by cells specialized to secrete. Glands are classified into two major groups according to how their products are released: exocrine and endocrine. The morphology of secretory portion and ducts of the exocrine glands allows the glands to be classified to simple and compound.


lecture, histology, epithelial tissue


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 217-221 pages, index UDK 611.018.7