About the author:
Makeev V. F., Skalskyi V. R., Hunovskyi Ya. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
This article presents the results of the study of polymeric materials for the removable dentures basis of acoustic emission method to determine the strength and static crack resistance, to understand the nature of the processes of destruction, which occur under the action of a load in dental plastic. Strength characteristics were studied through research on the use of fracture during quasi-static tensile of samples from Ftoraks materials (JSC “CTOMA”, Ukraine) acrylic copolymer of hot polymerization; Villacryl H Plus (Zhermack, Italy) acrylic copolymer of hot polymerization; Vertex ThermoSens (Vertex Dental, Netherlands) non-dimensional plastic injection type. Experimental tests of strength samples were carried out on SVR-5 plant, which is intended for laboratory studies of strength and static crack resistance of materials, and thanks to its structural features it is possible to apply during their research the method of acoustic emission (AE). At the same time, we recorded the AE-information using the SKOP-8M system, using two measuring AE channels. In the post-processing mode, we constructed the tensile diagrams of the basis plastics. From their analysis, the Ftoraks material fragilely collapses, Villacryl – elastically flexible, and Vertex TermoSens characterized by significant viscosity during stretching. As a result, the relative elongation of all materials is significantly different (p<0,01): Ftoraks (4,17±0,44), Villacryl (15±1,15), Vertex ThermoSens (42,33±1,45). The most relative elongation had thermoplastic Vertex ThermoSens. So, although the strength of the thermoplastic Vertex ThermoSens turned out to be not the largest, but it takes 4 ... 4,5 times more time than for materials Ftoraks and Villacryl to achieve it. Also, a fracture in thermoplastics begins at the highest stresses, compared with other materials. The feature of the AE signals during the destruction of Vertex ThermoSens thermoplastics has greater energy signal strength, which characterizes viscose-brittle fracture in comparison with other plastics, and for signals corresponding to brittle fracture, the range of energy change is proportional to that for the Ftoraks material. Consequently, it can be assumed that during the stretching of the thermoplastic, despite the viscose character of the tension diagram, there was a high-energy viscose-fragile and fragile destruction. This assumption is confirmed by the analysis of sample breaks. Therefore, from the point of view of ensuring longer durability of the denture, we can talk about the most effective use of this basic material. According to the investigated parameters the worst material was Ftoraks, Villacryl occupies an intermediate position.
acoustic emission, acrylic plastics, thermoplastics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 225-232 pages, index UDK 616.314-089.29-633-085.462-073.432.1