About the author:
Bilash S. M., Ksonz I. V., Pronina O. M., Nebesna Z. M., Yeroshenko H. A., Dobrynskyi O. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The analysis of morphological restructuring of the skin in case of surgical incision performed with conventional surgical instruments and high-frequency diathermy coagulator DKHV-300 in different monopolar modes applying morphological and morphometric methods has been carried out in research. It was determined and experimentally substantiated that surgical incision of the skin was more effectively performed applying high-frequency diathermy coagulator DKHV-300 than surgical scalpel, considering destructive skin changes in the area of wound process. It is confirmed by comparing the structural changes in the first experimental group of animals with the skin incisions performed with a surgical scalpel using control indices. At the light-optical level, the least destruction of the skin structural elements was observed in the fourth experimental group where skin incisions were performed with high-frequency diathermy coagulator in the “deep cutting” mode with a power 40 W and nominal resistance 500 Ohms, which would provide effective remodeling of skin morphological structures in the wound healing process and formation of scar tissue. Comparing the different operation modes of diathermy coagulator, it is advisable to apply “deep cutting” monopolar mode with a power 40 W and nominal resistance 500 Ohms in skin incisions. This conclusion is based on light-optical research data, which determined the least destruction of the skin structural elements in the fourth experimental group of animals. Along with data mentioned, it was found out that the form of arterioles, capillaries and venules in animals of the fourth experimental group was similar to that in the control group. While comparing the blood supply of microvessels, changes of the wall structural elements and destruction of connective tissue, it was determined that these data were approximated to the control group in animals of the fourth experimental group, which indicated the advantages of diathermy coagulator application in “deep cutting” mode. This method will provide the more effective microcirculation recovery.
skin, epidermis, arterioles, capillaries, venules, surgical instruments, diathermy coagulator.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 258-261 pages, index UDK 011.77:616-080811./814:615.472