About the author:
Gritsulyak B. V., Gritsulyak V. B., Glodan A. Ya., Dolinko N. P., Ivasyuk I. I., Spasskaya A. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Methods of histology, morphometry, electron microscopy and statistics have investigated the character of structural and functional changes in the testicle of men of reproductive age during hydrops. It was found that after the transmitted hydrops, testicular atrophy is observed in 60-80% of cases, while there is a decrease in the diameter of the twisting seminal tubules, the thickening their own shell, the number of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatid decreases and the volume of the nuclei of interstitial endocrinocytes is reduced. In some parts of the vorticular seminal tubules, cells of the spermatogenic epithelium are absent, or in the majority of the observed vorticity of seminal tubules, a severe degree of cell damage has been determined, and the actual shell of the convoluted seminal tubes is considerably thickened due to the growth of connective tissue elements and deformation. In part of them there is a violation of its integrity. Ultra-structurally in supporting epitheliocytes and spermatids there are significant changes in mitochondria, endoplasmic mesh, and Golgi complexes. In testicular haemocapillars, deformation of endothelial cell nuclei, microlazmatosis and deformation of cytoplasmic organelles. In the testicular capillaries, the edema of the endothelial cell cytoplasm, micropinocytosis, contours of uneven cytology, irregular cortex with deep invaginations, and karyoplasm is enlightened. Thus, we can assume that the results obtained by us confirm the literature data that the testicles are one of the characteristic lesions of the gut organs. According to the norm, the cavity of the serous membrane contains several drops of fluid, the filtration of which occurs in the capillaries, and resorption is carried out in mainly lymphatic vessels. In violation of the balance of these processes due to lymphostasis and venous congestion in the vagina, the serum fluid is accumulated, its pressure increases, changes in the seminal tubules and in the testis stroma develop. In addition, the fluid has a certain hydrostatic pressure on the parenchyma and the testis of the bloodstream, which may have a traumatic effect. On the side of the water column there is an increase in temperature of 2º, which also negatively affects spermatogenesis. The significant changes we have discovered in the components of the hemato-testicular barrier also negatively affect spermatogenesis in connection with the development of autoimmune orchitis.
testicular, watery, spermatogenesis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 262-264 pages, index UDK 616-018.688-005.98