About the author:
Dunaievska O. F.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Anatomical examinations of the spleen are important, which allow not only to establish the structure of the organ but also conduct its morphometric study, as well as develop the main criteria of the organ. However, there is not enough material for the developing of complex diagnostic criteria that will enable them to be used to assess the structural and functional state of this important organ in the pathology of an animal organism, the influence of endo- and exogenous factors. The purpose of the study was established the main anatomical features of the spleen of the bovine and its indicators of development on the macro-, microscopic levels. On the basis of morphometric studies, the criteria of the organ in the norm were proposed, which will be used in morphological, including pathomorphological studies. The spleen was taken from the healthy domestic bovine in the phase of morphofunctional maturity of the organ in the clinic. Histopreparations stained with Ehrlich’ hematoxylin and eosin by Brach and Wang Gison methods. Morphometrically determined the relative areas of the main structural components of the organ and performed an ultrasound. The spleen development index was 32,5%, which indicates a long and fairly wide body shape. The absolute mass of the spleen of the side was 0,757 ± 0,0551 kg, relative – 0,225 ± 0,0118 %. The spleen gates are located on the visceral surface of the dorsal ending. In the organ, the artery is branching to the branches of the 1st and 2nd order, sometimes the branches of the splenic artery were detected outside of the organ. Around the pulpar arteries were grouped lymphoid nodules and lymphoid sheath near the vessels. The thickness of the capsule was 165,61 ± 71,72 micrometres. The relative area of the musculoskeletal system of the spleen of the bovine was 5,50 ± 1,12 %. The relative area of red pulp white was 73,11 ± 1,23 %, the white pulp – 21,39 ± 0,86 % of the spleen. The relative area of the lymphoid sheath near the vessels was 5,10 ± 0,64 %. Almost identical relative areas occupied the mantle zone and zone near the vessels (2,56 ± 0,12 % and 2,56 ± 1,05 % respectively), the slightly centred area occupied 2,20 ± 0,55 % and most developed was marginal zone – 9,11 ± 1,42 %. The ratio of white pulp to the red pulp was 1:3,42, the support-contraction apparatus to the pulp was 1:17,36. Among the lymphocytes of the white pulp, the small was dominated (63,41±2,14 %), the smallest number of large lymphocytes was 1,21±0,54 % and macrophages – 1,10±0,36 %. The diameter of the lymphoid nodules was 262,83 ± 55,3 micrometres, lymphoid sheath near the vessels – 59,29 ± 5,4 micrometres. The diameter of the light centre, the width of the mantle zone, the marginal zone, and the diameter of the zone of lymphoid nodules near the vessels were 203,35 ± 19,54; 16,11 ± 4,62; 77,13 ± 3,24; 25,62 ± 8,45 micrometres, respectively. Regarding the obtained values, the hermitian-follicular index was 67,15 and the lymphoid coefficient was equal to 28,2. The obtained morphometric indices and the established features of the anatomical structure of the spleen were given the opportunity to develop a test system for a 30-month-old bovine in the normal state. The prospects for further research will be focused on the investigating of the spleen of the bovine of different age groups and farms with different conditions of maintenance, feeding, ecological features.
anatomy, spleen, Bos taurus taurus L., relative weight and area
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 265-268 pages, index UDK 619:597/599.591.41