About the author:
Palis S. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
An important direction of morphological studies is determination of dynamic regularities of morphometric parameters during the period of organogenesis. With the purpose to determine peculiarities of morphogenesis of the mandibular structure in the dynamics of prenatal period of human ontogenesis 30 specimens of human pre-fetuses with 14,0-80,0 mm of the parietal-coccygeal length (PCL) have been examined. A complex of methods of morphological examination has been applied including anthropometry, micromacroscopy, preparation of histological specimens, morphometry, three-dimensional computed reconstruction, statistical analysis. Application of a complex of histological and morphometric methods of examination enabled to find dynamic peculiarities of spatialtemporal transformations and specify the character of formation of the tissue structures in the human dentofacial apparatus during pre-fetal period of human ontogenesis. On the basis of the obtained digital indices (M±m) of the main morphometric parameters of the human mandible in the dynamics of prenatal period of the intrauterine development we have determined critical periods of its morphogenesis and deduced mathematic functions describing normal course of mandibular organogenesis, which can be used for improvement of diagnostic algorithms of the norm while performing measures of prenatal diagnostics and monitoring of fetal condition. On the basis of the data obtained the most pronounced morphological transformations in the process of formation of the dentofacial apparatus on the tissue and organ levels were found to occur during the periods of approaching and adhesion of the mandibular processes (6-8 weeks), formation of dental germs (7-8 weeks), which appeared to be critical considering high probability of appearing developmental defects.
mandible, pre-fetuses, intrauterine period of development
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 287-290 pages, index UDK 611.31.013:611.716.4.018