About the author:
Piskun R. P., Savytska O. O., Shkarupa V. M., Hrynchak N. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Despite the achievements obtained while investigating the immunological aspects of atherosclerosis, it is impossible to get the full picture of the state of specific immunological reactivity of the organism in case of atherosclerosis without analyzing immunocompetent organs. According to the literature data, the issues regarding the reserve capacity of the lymphoid organs in immune homeostasis remain relevant because of incomplete knowledge about their number, topography and morphological characteristics in general. It is known that the histostructures of immunocompetent organs reflecting the functional activity of the immune system can serve as a criterion for assessing the immune status of the organism in diagnosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the features of morphofunctional changes of spleen in case of experimental atherosclerosis considering autoimmune processes in atherogenesis. The study was conducted on 20 male chinchilla rabbits with initial body weight 2.5-3.0 kg, aged 1-1.5 years. The experimental atherosclerosis was simulated according to N.N. Anichkov classical method. For morphological investigation, the spleen was fixed in 10% neutral formalin, embedded in celloidin or paraffin and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and hematoxylin-picrofuksin according to Van-Gieson method; frozen sections made in cryostat were stained with Sudan black B according to Lison for total lipids evaluation. In rabbits with the experimental atherosclerosis, the capsule and trabeculae of spleen were determined to be slightly thickened compared to intact animals. Moreover, the signs of congestion were observed in the red splenic pulp, hemosiderophages and foamy (xantomatous) cells were also often determined. The changes in the white pulp were also observed: the decrease in size of T-dependent periarterial zone and increase in size of B-dependent zone – the reproductive center. The new centers of plasmocytogenesis appeared in the red pulp, which were small in size and called pulpal splenic cords. The mantle and marginal zones were poorly developed. The changes in structure of arterial walls, especially medium-sized ones were characteristic of the studied immunocompetent organ of rabbits with experimental atherosclerosis. The wall was thickened as the result of the increase in the amorphous ground substance in all three membranes of vessels as well as accumulation of special cells, namely, foamy. When stained with hematoxylin-eosin, the cytoplasm of these cells looked like foam, that is, was filled with multiple optically empty bubbles. Histochemical studies have determined that the bubbles in the cell were filled with lipids and, therefore, the cells are also called xantomous. Thickening of arterial wall causes the narrowing of their orifices. Thus, the compensatory-adaptive changes occur in experimental cholesterol atherosclerosis of spleen. Disorders of the organ stroma were manifested by the increase in the fibrous component, namely, thickening of the capsule and trabeculae as well as the walls of the arterial vessels. The main morphological changes were observed in B-zone of splenic parenchyma and characterized by the signs of B-type immune response. Moreover, the cell division of the plasmacytic series was activated and the germinal centers were expanded.
experimental atherosclerosis, spleen, morphofunctional changes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 295-299 pages, index UDK 611.41:616.13.002.2-004.6:612.08