About the author:
Bodnaruk Yu. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The development of inflammatory periodontal disease begins in childhood, so as in this period a paradontium is in the state of physiological stress for a long time associated with a growth and development of the organism. Disabled children with infantile cerebral palsy are particularly difficult category of patients for the treatment of inflammatory periodontal disease (IPD), as have impaired motor development (IMD), which are an aggravating factor for the development of the dental diseases in them. The purpose of the study is to learn the microbiological spectrum of surface of gums in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of infantile cerebral palsy (ICP) and in persons without concomitant somatic diseases. Microbiological study of the content of surface of gums was conducted 46 children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) (easy degree – 15 people; middle degree – 16 children and heavy degree – 15 people) on the background of infantile cerebral palsy and 40 children with CCG (easy degree – 14; middle degree –13 people and heavy degree – 13 children) without somatic morbidity. From clinical material produced bacterial preparations were stained their differential diagnostic method by Gramme, microscopy was performed. The specialized program of statistical analysis «Statistica for Windows» for working and analyzing the obtained data was used. The frequency of sieving-out of Str. mutans in children with CCG in the main group increased with the intensification of inflammation in the paradontium. At the same time, in children with CCG without somatic diseases, the frequency of occurrence and concentration Str. mutans was less. The frequency of occurrence of Str.β-haemolyticus increased with the increasing degree of activity of the inflammatory process in the paradontium in both study groups from 50.28% at the easy to 87.15% – at the heavy degree of CCG in the main group and from 32.16% at the easy to 59.70% – at the heavy degree of CCG in the comparison group. The frequency of identification of S. aureus was grown in two study groups with increasing the degree of CCG, but in the main group this process was more dynamic in nature: from 40.25% at the easy to 80.82% – at the heavy degree of CCG. The frequency of identification of N. catarrhalis in children with CCG in the main group prevailed in comparison with those in children with CCG without concomitant somatic diseases (36.95% compared to 25.0% at the easy; 52.27% against 39.18% at the middle and 76.83% against 54.35% at the heavy degrees of CCG). The concentration of Candida on the surface of gums in children of the study groups with the easy and the middle degree of CCG was high and similar statistically (p>0.05), when the concentration of Candida in children of the main group with the heavy degree of CCG was higher relatively to the similar values compared to ((3.69±0.18) CU/ ml against (3.08±0.21) CU/ml, p<0.05). Thus, chronic catarrhal gingivitis in patients with infantile cerebral palsy is accompanied by a more pronounced increase of the frequency of detection and concentration of microorganisms such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, N. catarrhalis and fungi of the genus Candida and decrease of lactobacillus than in children with CCG without concomitant somatic morbidity.
children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, infantile cerebral palsy, microorganisms
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 322-325 pages, index UDK 616.314. – 008 / 07– 039.72 – 082