About the author:
Korol M. D., Skubiy I. V., Korol D. M., Petruk D. O., Pyvovar Yu. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The evaluation of pulp electrical excitability state of non-functioning teeth in case of dentition deformities has been conducted by the authors. Electrometric assessment of dental pulp state in the absence of antagonists was carried out before and in the dynamics of treating the various forms of dentition deformities to determine the dependence of pulp electrical excitability value on the severity of the deformation, period of loss of antagonist teeth and way for deformities elimination. Electro-ododontodiagnosis of the posterior group of teeth with intact periodontium was performed in patients of the same age for comparative evaluation of nervous apparatus changes in non-functioning teeth. The electrical excitability in functioning first molars was on average 20.1±1.07 μA. The pulp of the second functioning molars responded to a current intensity of 22.6±2.69 μA. The analysis of data obtained has determined that the lack of function resulted in a decrease in pulp electrical excitability of non-functioning teeth. The probability of difference significance compared with the control group was large enough for 6 | 6 teeth (t = 4.7; p < 0.01), for 7 | 7 (t = 3.8; p < 0.01). Considering the data of regression analysis, it was found out that the probability of dentition deformities development was most likely in the period of absence of antagonists during 5.8-7.0 years. It was also determined that in patients with vertical forms of deformities the disorders of pulp electrical excitability and their endurance to load occurred. These changes were more pronounced in cases when tooth did not function for longer period, which was confirmed by high values of correlation coefficient. Studies have also proved that the state of electrical excitability of tooth pulp, its endurance to the load depend on the duration and dentition deformities degree.
secondary deformities, electro-ododontodiagnosis, dental pulp, molar, premolar
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 332-335 pages, index UDK 616.314.18./-06:616.314.2:616-073.7