About the author:
Markovskaya I. V., Sokolova I. I., Markovskaya E. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The electromagnetic radiation, performed by various electric field with low frequency 70 kHz, action results in the decrease of the functional state of salivary glands and the protective properties of the oral fluid to be reflected by changes of the major biochemical parameter content in the oral fluid and contributes to the development of periodontitis, caries and other pathological processes in the oral cavity. Aim: the total protein content, proteolytic, amylase, phosphatase and kallicrein activity determination in the rat oral fluid underdoing electromagnetic radiation. Results: the total protein content decrease by 31.68% on the background of the proteolytic activity increase by 41.53% in comparison with the control was determined the oral fluid. Amylase activity is decreased by 39.6%. A significant increase of the alkaline and acid phosphatase activity is observed by 28.98% and 79.0%, respectively in the oral cavity of rats. The conducted are carried out to show a decrease in the functional state of the salivary glands and protective properties of the oral fluid under conditions of electromagnetic radiation proved by a decrease of the total protein content, lysozyme amylase activity. The detected changes will lead to functional activity of protein molecules and protective properties of the oral fluid loosing. Defined hypoamylasemia is a consequence of reduced function of parotid glands, damage of secretory cells by products of vital activity of microorganisms. Increased alkaline and acid phosphatase activity contributes to the destruction of periodontal tissues, the release of enzymes from connective tissue cells and the reduction of reparative processes. The influence of electromagnetic radiation is also determined to show an activation of the kinin system that can initiate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
electromagnetic radiation, oral fluid, total protein, proteolytic activity, enzymes
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 340-343 pages, index UDK 616.311-008.843.1-001.2-092.9:57.088.6