Chubіі І. Z., Rоzhkо M. M.


About the author:

Chubіі І. Z., Rоzhkо M. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The study shows the dynamics of changes of total protein levels in blood serum in patients with generalized periodontitis living in ecologically polluted territories of the Precarpathian region. The effectiveness of complex use of quercetin in combination with laser irradiation was also studied. To prevent unwanted complications of GP in the integrated treatment of periodontitis, 1-month course of general treatment with Kaltsimin-advens and Troksavazin was prescribed, and 6 months later it was repeated. The reduction of total protein in the blood serum in comparison with the control was shown in all four groups. Approximation of the total protein to the control group after the complex treatment 3 months later was observed only in the groups of IA and IIA. There was a slight decrease, which remained within the normal range 6 and 12 months later after the integrated treatment. Instead, in groups IB and IIB, the overall protein level after treatment did not increase significantly and remained the same 6 and 12 months later, respectively. In patients with generalized periodontitis of the 1st degree, there is a significant decrease in the total protein in serum before treatment in comparison with the control: for group IA by 1.54 times and for group IIA by 1.57 times (P1<0.001). After the complex treatment 3, 6, 12 months later, in group IA the concentration increased as compared with control by 1.07, 1.13 and 1.08 times (for all P1<0.001). In group IIA, after the complex treatment, the observed total protein level is different from the levels of healthy patients by 1.00, 1.02 and 1.00 times 3, 6, 12 months later respectively, (P1 > 0.05 – the probability of difference of all three indicators are not reliable). In patients with generalized periodontitis of the 2nd degree there is a significant increase of the total protein in blood serum before treatment, in group IB by 1.63 times and in group IIB by 1.64 times (P1 <0.001). 3, 6 and 12 months after the complex therapy, in group IB its concentration increased by 1.52 times (P1 <0.001), 1.57 times (P1 <0.001) and 1.48 times (P1 <0.001) in comparison with the control. In group IIB it was 1.38 times (P1 <0.001), 1.42 times (P1 <0.001) and 1.37 times (P1 <0.001) higher as compared with control, respectively. In group IIA, as compared with group IA, there was a significant increase of the total protein after three months – by 7.19% (P2 <0.001), after 6 months – by 9.56% (P2 <0.001), and after 12 months – by 8.23% (P2 <0.01). In patients with generalized periodontitis of the 2nd degree (ІІB-ІB), there was an increase of the total protein after three months by 9.77% (Р3 <0.05), after 6 months by 10.06% (Р3 <0.05), and after 12 months by 6.68% (Р3 <0.005). Correlation dependence between the levels of total protein in groups IA and ІІА of patients with 1st degree GP receiving different methods of treatment in the immediate and long terms of treatment. This study shows that the correlation coefficient between groups IA and IIA had a high positive correlation dependence r = 0.8133 (p <0.05) after 3 months, r = 0.7361 (p <0.05) after 6 months and r = 0.8365 (p <0.05) after 12 months. Сorrelation dependence between the levels of total protein in groups IB and ІІB of patients with 2nd degree GP receiving different methods of treatment in the immediate and long terms of treatment. A high positive correlation between groups IB and IIB was observed after 3 months r=0.8783 (p <0.05), after 6 months r=0.8723 (p <0.05) and after 12 months r = 0.8889 (p <0.05) respectively.


generalized periodontitis (GP), total protein, quercetin, laser irradiation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 361-365 pages, index UDK 577.112+616.15+616.314.17-008.1