About the author:
Віlokur D. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The problems of the manifestation of neurodynamic functions, their interrelation with psychophysiological functions such as memory and attention, in persons exposed to various endo- and exogenous factors, including the effect of low-intensity prolonged irradiation, were studied. The purpose of our research is to establish interrelation of indicators of neurodynamic functions, memory and attention in persons from contaminated territories of Sumy region. Object and methods. The study involved 80 people aged 18–35 years from Shostka and Yampil districts of the Sumy region. The generally accepted methods of research indicators of neurodynamic functions, short-term memory, the level of working capacity of the central nervous system. Performed statistical data processing. The study was carried out in accordance with bioethical norms in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Results and their discussion. In the course of the correlation analysis, we founded there is a correlation between the indicators of neurodynamic functions, mental performance and attention. In the task of determining the actual mental performance, according to the results obtained, direct correlation bonds are observed as an indicator of the functional mobility of the nerve processes and the values of the number of correctly marked signs (r=0,61), the number of signs that need to be deleted (r=0,55), the coefficient of mental productivity (r=0,57), the rate of information processing (r=0,57). In the task to determine the level of performance of the CNS with inhibition of internal inverted correlation between the values latent periods of reactions, the choice of 1 of 3 stimuli and the indicator of stability (r= –0,52). In the task of determining the level of efficiency of the central nervous system with internal and external braking, the direct correlation relationship occurs between the indicators: latent periods of simple visual-motor reactions and the total number of signs (r=0,55), the number of correctly deleted characters (r=0,60), the number of signs that need to be deleted (r=0,56), the mental productivity (r=0,62), the visual information volume (r=0,62), the rate of information processing (r=0,62); latent periods of reactions by choosing 1 of 3 stimuli and the amount of visual information (r=0,52); latent periods of reactions, the choice of 2 of 3 stimuli and the total number of signs (r=0,58), the number of correctly marked characters (r=0,66), the number of characters that need to be deleted (r=0,62), the mental productivity (r=0,64), volume of visual information (r=0,58), rate of information processing (r=0,63). According to other indicators of correlation dependence is not revealed, or it is represented by weak interconnection. The correlation correlation was recorded between the rates of switching attention and the latent period of the reactions by choosing one of the three stimuli (r = –0,60). After analyzing the results of the study on the determination of indicators of neurodynamic functions and short-term memory in the inhabitants of the contaminated territories of the Sumy region, there was no correlation dependence or it was represented by a weak interconnection. Conclusions. In our opinion, the results of the study will complement current ideas about the effect of lowintensity prolonged irradiation on the state of psychophysiological and neurodynamic functions of individuals living in contaminated areas of Ukraine and Sumy region in particular. Prospects for further research. We believe that the results of further comprehensive studies on the effects of chronic irradiation in small doses can be used to confirm or refute modern theories regarding the manifestations of exogenous chronic stress factors, in particular those directly related to the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, namely low-intensity irradiation of the human body, central nervous system and immune systems in particular.
central nervous system, psychophysiological functions, low intensity prolonged radiation, territory of enhanced radioecological control
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 371-375 pages, index UDK 612.821.2